Cover Image for The Future Of Marketing And Sales - EXECUTIVES BREAKFAST

The Future Of Marketing And Sales - EXECUTIVES BREAKFAST

Hosted by Global Leaders Impact
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The questions you must ask yourself are:

"Am I chasing the change that actually matters?"

“How are my marketing and sales strategies aligned with my revenue goals and objectives?”


These are today’s challenges for many Executives:

·       Even More of The Sales Cycle Will Happen Online

·       Digital Marketing Will Define Brand Success

·       Customer Service Will Become Even More Important

·       Tracking Marketing ROI Will Be Even More Essential 

While plenty of people have made predictions, the truth is that no one can say for sure what the future holds. What is clear is that the greatest opportunities for growth are happening online and through more personalized customer interactions.

The next horizon for B2B marketing is actually understanding the B2B buyer as a person and being able to have a relationship with them on that level versus just with the company.

The future B2B marketing is about scaled relevance with the tools and technology that's available today.

That’s why it’s more important than ever to have an agile strategy and partners who can help you execute it — and quickly shift gears as needed.

Who are the events hosts?

🌐 Michael Knulst, The Digital Growth Group

Michael is a Revenue Growth Strategist, CEO Coach and Investor. He is known as a growth oriented leader who is specialized in delivering lasting performance at the sharp end; where your business meets its customers.

Over the past 30 years Michael has built 4 multi-million dollar businesses. He has created more than 75 million dollars in new business for the customers he has worked with. 

Michael has worked with high performance organizations like Adidas, Dale Carnegie, Vinci, Ordina,, Siemens and GrandVision.

Today he runs businesses in Consulting, IT and Mental Healthcare.

As a keynote speaker Michael used to travel globally, inspiring and helping business leaders and entrepreneurs to grow their businesses by innovating faster in order to create more value, more impact and more profits. 

Michael has lived through business transformation, technology innovation, data intelligence and customer growth acceleration. And he is passionate about sharing his experience, knowledge, proven strategies and practical insights. Above all, it’s about converting ideas into profits and turning one time customers into loyal buyers; In a fast and sustainable way.

Michael is the founder of The Digital Growth Group. With his proven models and strategies he transforms any business in 90 days! 

🌐 Ramona Tufaru, Global Leaders Impact

Ramona is an Authority for Social Selling, understanding the power of systems & processes.

After being a successful Executive in Marketing and Sales in the corporate world, working with global brands like Edilgreen Life, BAT, Stefanel, Benetton, Continental, ICUnet and many entrepreneurs in Europe and the USA, Ramona discovered that the real distinction in building successful businesses resides in the landscape of marketing and sales and that the biggest innovations really is in marketing and the changing dynamics between marketing and sales.

Coming from that extensive background , she spent the last 20 years studying trends which resulted in a far deeper understanding of the concepts and impact of trends and ability to predict where the market is going.

With her team she's connecting Science to Business in a way that is relevant for you - through Competitive Intelligence & Forward Trendwatching. They constantly assess what’s going on in the organizations through our daily connection with Executives working in the field and they validate dominant trends through Research and Science.

Ramona is the founder of the Global Leaders Impact and the mind behind The Invisible Funnel "Executives Only", an exclusive proprietary methodology that uses real-time company data in every sales interaction to uncover best-fit prospects, reveal the ideal timing to reach out, and create relevant messaging.


The Future Of Marketing And Sales is all about customer centricity. It will be about how do you create great experiences for your customers, how do you solve problems for them versus purely market to them / sell to them, how do you understand what they need and provide the right information, the right products, right services to them when they need it.

This is not only about technical fixes or work-arounds. Instead, a strong, trust-based relationship with customers may be the key to a sustainable, effective strategy.

Companies that can get this new people-centric approach and data relationship right—and that have the people, processes, and technology to implement it effectively—may be able to develop a significant, long-term source of competitive advantage.