Cover Image for Protocol Labs Launchpad Social Hour #2

Protocol Labs Launchpad Social Hour #2

Hosted by Hana & PL Launchpad
Registration Closed
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About Event

Join the PL Launchpad Social Hour at Morning Penthièvre. We are excited to meet all of you, share our latest updates, more about the future cohorts happening in the next months, meet the team and our current residents.

We will be providing drinks and food for everybody in a unique location. Come enjoy a cocktail dinner in a unique location with the french touch, drinks and great conversations!

Morning Penthièvre
6 Rue de Penthièvre, 75008 Paris

Protocol Labs Launchpad is a hiring & onboarding program designed for accelerating technical growth in the Web3 space.
Launchpad aims to hire exceptional talent from diverse engineering and tech operations backgrounds into a six-week, full-time residency designed to train, develop, and team-match talent with Web3 opportunities across the Protocol Labs Network.