Cover Image for Prioritizing Wellness as a Founder | Latitud Night

Prioritizing Wellness as a Founder | Latitud Night

Hosted by Latitud
Past Event
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About Event

​Welcome to the 5th edition of Latitud Nights! πŸŒ›

​If there's one thing every startup founder knows, it's that building a business from scratch isn't for the faint of heart.

​We've invited Ontop (YCW21) co-founder Julian Torres to talk about how he balances being a leader in a rapidly growing company with the need to put his well-being first.

​Julian is a seasoned entrepreneur, an author, and an overall kind soul. He'll share his main routines and practices to avoid burnout, especially when things get tough.

​Join us for an evening filled with practical insights on how to manage your energy levels and state of mind and operate at your best.

​See you there! πŸ€—


​What is Latitud Nights?

​A space for any early-stage or aspiring founder to get as many actionable insights as we can fit in one hour, diving into some of the main challenges of building startups. We're starting off with monthly remote events, always with a high-caliber founder, investor, or tech operator joining us as a speaker.

​Can anyone join?

​Yes! It's also virtual and gluten-free, you just need to hit that Register button.

​I already know everything about Mental Health, when is the next one?

​You can sign up here to get updates about the next Latitud Nights (plus some really cool content).

​Why is it called Latitud Nights if I'm in Mexico and it's only 11 am here?

​Stop asking hard questions, Alberto.