Service Design Summer Party (SDD Berlin, SDN, JamBerlin)
We are getting together to throw a summer party, SDDBerlin, JamBerlin and SDN Berlin chapter are joining forces to host a big fiesta for service design enthusiasts. Join us as we put on our summer shirts and raise a ‘service design’ drink and celebrate our common passion and the summer!
We welcome everyone who would like to join! All communities, all career levels, all parents & children, all friends and Plus-Ones are welcome!
PLEASE READ: We have a larger than usual, yet limited capacity for this event (+/- 180 people max.). Due to the large number of sign-ups, entry will be on a first come - first serve basis for people with tickets. But: our doors won't open before 17:30.
(A) Are you looking for a job in UX or Service Design?
We are partnering with employed.world and their community of mentors to support anyone seeking mentorship. You can join a session with mentors from Service Design Network and the employed.world community for CV or portfolio reviews, and to learn about the hiring process in organisations. Employed.world can also help you to apply for 5-12 weeks of mentorishp funded by the Agentur für Arbeit.
(B) Are you a mentor or hiring manager in Product and wish to sponsor someone with your mentorship?
Join our "job seeker corner" during the Party and support your peers. Please contact yashvir@employed.world to learn more.