Cover Image for ALIGN Webinar #14 with Vanessa Kosoy
Cover Image for ALIGN Webinar #14 with Vanessa Kosoy
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ALIGN Webinar #14 with Vanessa Kosoy

Hosted by AI Alignment Network (ALIGN)
Past Event
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About Event

In the fourteenth episode of the ALIGN webinar series, we are delighted to host Vanessa Kosoy, a leading researcher in the field of infra-Bayesian physicalism and its applications to AI theory. Vanessa Kosoy will explore an alternative approach to understanding the behavior of AI systems that bypasses traditional agent-centric inductive biases by reformulating hypotheses about the world from a computationalist metaphysical perspective.

In this webinar, Vanessa will introduce the infra-Bayesian physicalism framework, which provides fresh insights into long-standing challenges in AI and decision theory, such as the ontology of values, anthropic reasoning, simulation paradoxes, and acausal trade. This framework also lays the groundwork for a theory of value learning that is robust against perverse incentives, mesa-optimizers, and misidentified boundaries.

Vanessa Kosoy’s innovative research has made significant contributions to the theoretical understanding of AI, offering solutions to critical problems in metaphysics and alignment. Her work continues to pave the way for a safer and more principled approach to AI development.


21:00–21:05 (JST): Opening remarks by ALIGN

21:05–21:50 (JST): Vanessa Kosoy on infra-Bayesian physicalism

21:50–22:00 (JST): Q&A and discussion with participants

The event will be held in English, with slides in English, but participants are welcome to ask questions in Japanese.

ALIGNウェビナーシリーズ第14回では,インフラ・ベイジアン物理主義(infra-Bayesian physicalism)の分野で活躍する研究者Vanessa Kosoy氏をお迎えします.Vanessa氏は,従来のエージェント中心の仮説設定が持つ非自然な帰納バイアスを回避する新しい枠組みとして,計算主義的形而上学の視点からAIの行動を理解するアプローチを提案します.


Vanessa Kosoy氏の革新的な研究は,AI理論の理解を深めるとともに,形而上学やアライメントの重要な課題に解決策を提供してきました.彼女の研究は,安全で原理的なAI開発への道を切り拓き続けています.



21:05–21:50:Vanessa Kosoy氏による「インフラ・ベイジアン物理主義」



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