Cover Image for Story Academy: Tokyo Edition🗌
Cover Image for Story Academy: Tokyo Edition🗌
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This is the calendar of KBW's Builder Focus events.
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About Event


​Meet up with your fellow IP builders at Story Academy: Tokyo!

​Join us on August 29, 2024, from 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Crypto Cafe&Bar for a day of pure developer magic.

The event is co-hosted by Story and cohosted with the imitable AKINDO developer community.

​Dive into workshops, showcase and demo your project, and check out some of the other Story ecosystem tools you can work with. We'll take this time to create space for local Story Academy builders in Tokyo to share alpha and connect with each other. You may even find your co-founder here!

​We'll kick off an Ecosystem Overview session where Story builders can get a bird's eye view of all the projects building on Story. Great opportunity to check out what tools are currently available for projects to work with. The sessions will be lead by the core Story team!

​🀝Guest Creators


​​90s style anime for a new era, made with love. Galverse is one of Japan’s biggest web3 exports. Our global community of creators has its heart in Tokyo but spans the world. We empower our fans with AI-first experiences, VTuber technology, and consumer crypto.The Galverse pilot, directed by Ayaka Ohira, is in production featuring legendary talent from the industry and will release in Q4 2024.


​🎥Animation Artist 🇯🇵 Director & Artist of Galverse

​Demo Schedule:14:00〜


​CryptoNinja is Japan's leading on-chain IP project. It started as an NFT and has now been broadcast as a TV anime, establishing itself as Japan's first IP.

​CryptoNinja is also active in a wide range of fields, including collaborations with games, media, and even fashion, in addition to art.


​CryptoNinja Founder and Marketer

​Demo Schedule:TBD (Online Speach)


​The Longer The Better.



​🛠Story Coreteam

​Andrea Muttoni

​Head of Dev Rel at Story Protocol. Previously, he led developer advocacy at Dapper Labs/Flow, as well as several roles at Amazon, including technical product management and technical evangelism for Alexa’s conversational AI platform.

To date, he’s engaged with millions of developers, through live speaking engagements as well as online content (YouTube, Twitch, Webinars). In his free time, he loves to tinker with side projects.

​Tim Shen

Infra Partnership @ Story Protocol
Ex & BNB Chain
Experience in MVP building and integration between IP and blockchain. Wrote a thesis on how to use blockchain for IP protection framework.

Plus, with DAO Tokyo, ETH Tokyo, and WebX Asia happening right around the corner, you’ll be right in the heart of the action. Come get in the zone and explore the latest Programmable IP primitives!




​Spots are highly limited, please ensure you take time and care with your registration, and please feel free to reach out with any questions!

​Once approved, we'll add you to the private Story Academy telegram group to coordinate from there.


​Scope of Work by AKINDO:

  • ​Event Planning and Coordination: AKINDO will oversee the overall planning and coordination of the event.

  • ​Venue Selection and Management: AKINDO is responsible for selecting and managing the venue, ensuring it meets all event requirements.

  • ​Marketing and Promotion: AKINDO will handle the marketing and promotion of the event, leveraging their community outreach to maximize attendance.

  • ​On-site Support: AKINDO will provide on-site support during the event, including managing logistics and attendee needs.


  • ​1:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Coffee and Welcome

  • ​1:30 PM - 2:00 PM:

    • ​Welcome by Andrea Muttoni and Tim Shen

    • ​Ecosystem overview led by Andrea Muttoni and Tim Shen, DevRels at Story Protocol.

  • ​Project Presentations:

    • ​2:00 PM - 2:15 PM: Galverse Ayaka(Opening Presentation)

    • ​2:20 PM - 2:35 PM: CryptoNinja Ikehaya (Remote)

    • ​2:40 PM - 2:55 PM:WTe ( WTe (Confirmed)

    • ​3:00 PM - 3:15 PM:PIZZADAY motoi

    • ​3:20 PM - 3:35 PM: Alice/Chiitan Kato from Slash

    • ​3:40 PM - 3:55 PM: VLA from Akim

    • ​4:00 PM - 4:30 PM: Break

    • ​4:35 PM - 4:50 PM: ETHMETAL Yudai from Fracton

    • ​4:55 PM - 5:10 PM: Bimon Sen

    • ​5:15 PM - 5:30 PM: Dental3

      5:30-8:00PM: Afterparty: Informal gathering at the venue.


​Crypto Cafe & Bar

2F Digital Gate Building, 3-5-7 Ebisu Minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0022 (Map)

​🫶🏻Have a great day with fellow builders and creators

​If you have a project you want to demo, apply for the Builder slot now. Story supports all kinds of creations, including products, art, music, fashion, and videos.

​Feel free to share this event with your creators frens.

​This event is part of the StoryProtocol Asia Tour and is the only one happening in Japan. Don’t miss this unique opportunity!🗌

​Also, join us on Sep 27 for a Gaming x IP event!

​See you at Story Academy!👋🏻

​Story Academy: TOKYOでIPビルダヌ/クリ゚むタヌ仲間ず䌚いたしょう

​8/29(朚)はCrypto Cafe&Barでピュアなビルダヌマゞックの1日をお楜しみください。このStory Academy TokyoはStoryず、日本最倧のweb3ビルダヌコミュニティAKINDOが共催したす🀝


​Story Academy Tokyoは東京のStory Academyビルダヌがアルファを共有し、お互いに぀ながるためのスペヌスを䜜りたす。




​Guest Creator




​🎥Animation Artist 🇯🇵 Director & Artist of Galverse

​Demo Schedule:14:00〜





​CryptoNinja Founder and Marketer

​Demo Schedule:TBD (Online Speach)

​Story Core Team

​Andrea Muttoni

​Head of DevRel @ StoryProtocol

​過去にはDapper Labs/Flow で開発者支揎を䞻導し、Amazon では Alexa の䌚話型 AI プラットフォヌムの技術補品管理や技術䌝道など、いく぀かの圹職を歎任。これたでにラむブ講挔やオンラむン コンテンツ (YouTube、Twitch、りェビナヌ) を通じお、䜕癟䞇人もの開発者ず関わっおきたした。䜙暇には、サむド プロゞェクトに取り組むのが倧奜きです。

​Tim Shen

Infra Partnership @ StoryProtocol

Ex & BNB Chain MVP構築ずIPずブロックチェヌンの統合の経隓。IP保護フレヌムワヌクにブロックチェヌンを䜿甚する方法に関する論文を執筆。





​ぜひ参加しお、最新のプログラマブル IP プリミティブを探玢しおください。スポットは限られおいたすので、関心があればお早めにお申し蟌みください。ご質問があればお気軜にこちらのTelegramぞお問い合わせください。

​承認されるず、Story Academy のプラむベヌト テレグラム グルヌプに远加され、そこからコヌディネヌションが行われたす🫡






​Crypto Cafe & Bar

〒150-0022 東京郜枋谷区恵比寿南䞁目− デゞタルゲヌトビル 2F (Map)






Crypto Cafe&Bar クリプトカフェアンドバヌ
Japan, 〒150-0022 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Ebisuminami, 3-chōme−5−, Digital Gate Bldg, 2F
Avatar for Road to WaveHack Global Winter
This is the calendar of KBW's Builder Focus events.