Cover Image for Pitch Please: Startup Founder & Investor Mixer (March)
Cover Image for Pitch Please: Startup Founder & Investor Mixer (March)
Hosted By
26 Going

Pitch Please: Startup Founder & Investor Mixer (March)

Hosted by Bryan Huang
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

Pitch Please: Startup Founder & Investor Mixer (March)

​歡迎參加我們於 3 月 13 日  Pitch Please: Startup Founder & Investor Mixer 的活動,這次實體活動會給大家提供與投資人、其他創業者及合作夥伴互動的機會。活動中將有預先選定的新創公司進行 Lightning Pitch,很榮幸這次有富旌創投的創辦人暨合夥人 Brandon Chiang 來給創辦人一些對 Pitching 的建議,為參與者提供練習與曝光的機會,展現台灣頂尖新創的實力。


  • 06:00 - 06:10 PM活動開場介紹

  • 06:10 - 07:00 PM創辦人及投資人交流活動

  • 07:00 - 08:00 PMLightning Pitches

​​在 Lightning Pitches 之前,場地的後半部分將舉行創辦人及投資人交流活動,這是創業者與潛在投資人及合作夥伴建立「暖場介紹」的絕佳機會。

Lightning Pitches:
為了促進國際新創交流,創辦人將用英文進行發表,每家新創團隊將有 2 分鐘 進行簡報,接著 3 分鐘由 Brandon 提供一些建議。請注意,由於時間限制,我們僅能安排 10 個團隊 進行簡報。Pitch Deck 的提交截止日期為 3 月 11 日。如果您有興趣參加簡報,請在此提交您的簡報文件:

​我們 LANDED 團隊致力於搭建台灣與美國之間的新創生態橋樑。如果您對進軍美國市場或在美國募資感興趣,歡迎隨時透過 Facebook 聯繫我們,或參考我們的網站

​LANDED 期待在活動中見到您!​

Pitch Please: Startup Founder & Investor Mixer (March)

​Join us on 03/13 for a fast-paced and casual event for founders to engage with investors, other founders, and partners. The event will also feature lightning pitches from pre-selected startups, our co-host Brandon Chiang, the founder and managing partner from Addin Ventures will join us and provide some feedbacks for the founders. This is an opportunity for practice and exposure to some of the best-in-class startups in Taiwan.

Event Agenda:

​06:00 - 06:10 PM: Introduction

​06:10 - 07:00 PM: Founder & Investor Networking Session 

​07:00 - 08:00 PM: Lightning Pitches 

​Before the Lightning Pitches, a networking session will take place in the back half of the event space away from the stage. This will be a great opportunity for founders to create “a warm intro” to potential investors and partners.​

Lightning Pitches:

Each startup will have 2 minutes to pitch, and 3 minutes for Brandon to provide feedback. Please note due to time constraints, we will only be able to feature 10 companies. The submission deadline will be 03/11. If you would like to pitch, please submit your pitch deck here:

​We at LANDED are committed to bridging the startup ecosystem between Taiwan and the US. If you are curious about expanding into the US or fundraising in the US, please feel free to reach out to us on FB or visit our website at

Facebook Community:

digiblock C數位創新基地
103, Taiwan, Taipei City, Datong District, Section 3, Chengde Rd, 287號c棟No, No
Hosted By
26 Going