Cover Image for Screening Program: Park 公園 by Yo-Hen So 蘇育賢
Cover Image for Screening Program: Park 公園 by Yo-Hen So 蘇育賢
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9 Going

Screening Program: Park 公園 by Yo-Hen So 蘇育賢

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Asri and Hasan, two Indonesian students in Taiwan, meet in a park to reflect on their days through poetry. Their gatherings spark the idea of a radio station for Indonesian migrant workers. Blending poetry and lived experience, Park is a lyrical exploration of migration, labor, and freedom, unfolding in Tainan’s twilight hours.

兩位印尼詩人相約在夜裡的台南公園,將各自於這座公園的白日,與印尼同胞們的相 遇、相處,其所見所聞所感,譜成詩歌,發想成計畫,於夜裡吟唱、想像、行動⋯。於白日採集,在夜裡釋放,像一則古老的影像寓言,但我們終究見不到他們所說的白日種種,只能任夜裡的話語投射出面貌不一的形象。天光被推遲,漫漫長夜有訴不盡的故事,再不脫身,說故事的人也變成了故事的一部分。

Accent Sisters 重音社
89 5th Ave #702, New York, NY 10002, USA
Avatar for 2-3月母语群展及放映
9 Going