Cover Image for DAO Spring W8 - Market to your fit!
Cover Image for DAO Spring W8 - Market to your fit!
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DAOcember v3
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DAO Spring W8 - Market to your fit!

Past Event
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About Event

Welcome to week 8 of DAO Spring!

Congratulations, you made it! Our last week together! It's been such a pleasure working with you over the last two months - we look forward to continuing to support your DAOs as they grow.

We hope you will put in some sweat over the summer and join us in September for a chance to get up to $5k for your DAO.

🌸 3:00pm UTC - Towards product or community market fit

As the semi final panel, we‘ll be discussing different approaches to finding product or community market fit - harder than it sounds. The panel will be led by Daniela of blockful, Ian of Push DAO & Jess of Seed Club.

🌸 4:00pm UTC - DAO Demos: come show us your DAO!

As the final weekly challenge, you will pat yourself on the back! We hope you learned some useful things over the past 8 weeks, and started applying them to your DAO.

Now come, tell us about your DAO - give us a demo, show us what you got & what you plan on doing over the next few months. All DAOs welcome!

This will help you greatly in the summer challenge 👀

​🌸 4:40pm UTC - Future of DAOs

As the very last talk - we‘ll have Dr. Nick of FactoryDAO talk about the bigger picture, his long term vision of DAOs, the intersection with AI etc. etc.

If you need some inspiration in terms of where you see DAOs a few years from now, this talk is not to miss!

​🌸 5:00pm UTC - Legalizing DAOs

​Bringing you back to reality - the final panel will be focused on discussing different jurisdictions & ways to make your DAO legal in the eyes of legacy institutions.

​Panel will be held by:

  • ​Adam Miller, CEO & Co-Founder of MIDAO, Host of Just DAO It! Podcast

  • ​Paolo Maria Gangi, EU lawyer, member of LexDAO and Blockchain Lawyers Group

  • ​Ramona Tudorancea, Ixian Co-founder, lawyer, DAOs and Special Economic Zones


Make sure to join the telegram group & the announcements channel if you haven‘t!

Avatar for DAOcember v3
Presented by
DAOcember v3
56 Went