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TechTO Hackathon
Hosted by TechTO
Past Event
About Event
Brought to you by TechTO, Spellbook, Voiceflow, N49P and Synex Medical!
Sign up for TechTO Hackathon today!!
Build & Tell with the community
Casual hackathon
Bring a project or start something new
Suggested theme: AI Agents, but build whatever you want
Show the progress you made at the end
How do I participate: It is free - sign up now and we will approve you
Location: Voiceflow office, 30 Duncan Street, Toronto M5V 2C3
What if I can't make it: Join us at the TechTO Summer Social after, please visit this link for more information.
*Upon registration, you will be added to the TechTO newsletter, and you may be contacted by Spellbook or Voiceflow.
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