Cover Image for #ETHSydney March meetup #RTD Road To DevCon 7
Cover Image for #ETHSydney March meetup #RTD Road To DevCon 7
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Presented by
ETHSydney is focusing on Ethereum ecosystem, and learning about Ethereum technologies and usage.
Hosted By
66 Went
Past Event
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About Event


14:00 - 14:30 check in

Part 1 - 14:30 - 15:50 (20 min for each)

Opening: ETHSydney - Bob Jiang

Topic1: Bokky PooBah, Stealth Addresses - Onchain Data privacy - stealthy addresses. Magical Internet Money - EVM chain crypto asset manager.

Topic2: Mike Ciesla, Google Web3 - Overview of Google for Web3 startups and approaches to blockchain data consumption 

Topic3: Kerman Kohli, ArcX The Airdrop Trilemma - a data problem in disguise (narrative ref)

Topic4: Thomas Aslanian Immutable - Analysing user activty across rollup environments to optimise token spend

15:50 - 16:20 networking

Part 2 - 16:20 - 17:00

project demo - (10 min for each) 

project 1: Singularity -

project 2: Smart Layer Network -

project 3: RelayProtocol - 

project 4: Google Blockchain Analytics Demo - Kunal Limaye

17:00 close and networking

Date and time: 22/3/2024 14:00 - 17:00

Venue: Google Sydney Office, ODI Building, 1 Darling Island Road Pyrmont

Google Sydney Office, ODI Building, 1 Darling Island Road Pyrmont
Avatar for ETHSydney
Presented by
ETHSydney is focusing on Ethereum ecosystem, and learning about Ethereum technologies and usage.
Hosted By
66 Went