Wise Effort Retreat with Adrianne Ross
Wise Effort
A One-Day Non-Residential Retreat With Adrianne Ross
Saturday, April 27, 2024, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Goward House
During this day of practice we will explore cultivating wise use of our energy. We are exposed to so many distractions, demanding our attention, that it can be hard to focus and apply our energy to what we really value.
The Buddha taught the Four Wise Efforts as a way of helping us avoid patterns that drain or distress us and for intentionally cultivating beneficial patterns that lead to well being for ourselves, our communities and the world.
Come and join us for a day of practice, rebalancing our energies, releasing difficult patterns and cultivating well being. The day will be in silence with instruction, meditation, walking, and time for questions and discussion.
About Adrianne
Adrianne Ross (she/her), a retired family physician, has been involved in meditation and healing since 1976. She began practicing insight meditation with Theravada teachers in 1984 and began teaching in 1995. She co-founded BCIMS with the late Joanne Broatch over 20 years ago and was also the guiding teacher for Saskatoon Insight for many years.
She is influenced by both Thai and Burmese streams of the Theravadan tradition, as well as Tibetan (Mahamudra and Dzogchen) practice. She teaches classes, weekend, and residential retreats in Canada and the US.
She has been involved in teaching and mentoring students in the Dedicated Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner (now LEAP) Programs through Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California.
She is happy to see how the dharma has flourished in BC and in particular that there are a growing number participants from a wider diversity of backgrounds. She is committed to supporting the increase of safety and availability for people of various identities and capacities, both as students and becoming teachers sharing the dharma.