Cover Image for Master Your Message: Helping leaders and teams find the right words for big moments.
Cover Image for Master Your Message: Helping leaders and teams find the right words for big moments.
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Master Your Message: Helping leaders and teams find the right words for big moments.

Hosted by Jonny
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About Event

Turn a million thoughts into a clear and cohesive message with this 90-minute, high-impact workshop. You'll leave this workshop with a one-page messaging strategy for any high-stakes message you need to develop.

This event is a guided brainstorm best for:

  1. ​ Leaders who have a strategic plan to present or vision to cast.

  2. ​Teams and brands who have a constant need for strategic messaging.

  3. ​Organizations or leaders with upcoming high-stakes pitches, keynotes, presentations, or meetings.

What to Expect:

  1. ​The First 20 Minutes: Review a simple framework to help you clarify your message so your audience engages.

  2. ​The Next 50 Minutes: A guided brainstorming to help you create and develop cohesive talking points to build your message on.

  3. ​The Last 20 Minutes: Execution guidance and a Q&A for personalized help.

How to Prepare:

  1. ​Sign up for the event as an individual, or have your entire team sign up.

  2. ​Pick a specific message you need to create (Think keynote, custom presentation, sales pitch, fundraising campaign, high-stakes conversation.)

  3. ​Come with a paper & pen and be ready to create your message together.

What You'll Get out of the Workshop:

  1. ​Space to brainstorm. You'll have time to think and prepare without distractions.

  2. ​A simple one-page messaging strategy to keep your message clear, compelling, and audience-centric.

  3. ​Feedback and Q&A from a messaging strategist.

Next steps:

  1. ​Register & share with your team or other leaders.

  2. ​Show up and engage.

  3. ​Leave with a completed message.

​When the event is done, you'll have everything you need to confidently communicate your message in a way that will resonate with your audience and inspire the response you need.

​For Questions, reach out to

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