Cover Image for How to adjust attribution settings to align with your brand goals
Cover Image for How to adjust attribution settings to align with your brand goals
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61 Going

How to adjust attribution settings to align with your brand goals

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Every brand defines "success" in marketing differently...

Some focus on new customer acquisition, others on retention. Sales cycles differ, and media budgets range drastically.

Whatever your criteria for quantifying those goals...

You need the ability to adjust your attribution settings to match: Conversion windows, attribution models, exclusions, etc

Historically in podcasting, that flexibility didn't exist.

But it does now!

In this webinar, we’ll guide you through exactly how to calibrate attribution and align your brand’s goals with the tools you’re using to measure.

Learn how to determine the right settings for your brand:

  • Should I set a shorter or longer attribution window?

  • Should I exclude channels like Facebook or Google ads from what podcasts are getting credit for?

  • What other ads were listeners exposed to that pushed them down the funnel?

  • Should the first or last ad get all the credit? How can I see results for both?

Take control of your data, gain confidence in your ad strategy, and make better decisions with results you can trust.

What You'll Learn:

We’ll guide you through understanding the right models, exclusions, and conversion windows to ensure your attribution setup truly reflects the impact of your podcast ads.

Conversion Windows

  • Adjusting Windows: Learn how different conversion windows impact your campaign's effectiveness and why selecting the right one matters.


  • Customers & Visitors: Ensure your results reflect new customer acquisition by excluding prior customers and visitors.

  • Referrals & Source Medium: Avoid double counting and refine attribution by excluding certain channels and assigning credit accurately.

Mapping the Customer Journey

  • Customer Insights: Discover which ads listeners see before converting and how to assign credit to various touchpoints.

  • Individual Conversions: Export and analyze results across all podcast touchpoints in the customer journey.

  • Evaluating Shows: Identify which shows drive conversions, introduce your brand, and understand which shows to keep or remove.

Attribution Models

  • Setting Models: Understand how different attribution models distribute credit across the customer journey and identify ads driving results at various funnel stages.

Why Attend This Webinar?

By the end of this session, you’ll know how to understand your data, adjust your attribution settings, interpret your results, and dive into areas of optimization.

Learn how to leverage the advanced measurement tools available with Podscribe to measure and optimize your performance effectively.

But this isn’t just for Podscribe users – it’s for anyone looking to enhance their podcast advertising strategy.

Whether you use Podscribe or another platform, you need an attribution partner that provides this capability.

If you don’t have access to these tools, it might be time to reconsider your choice.

Join this and upcoming webinars from Podscribe

  • Will cookie deprecation kill pixel-based attribution?

  • Measuring pixel-based results alongside zero and first-party data

  • Top-of-funnel metrics you NEED to monitor to optimize

  • Automate your reporting and get data that doesn't slow you down

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Presented by
61 Going