Berlin Systems Group
A Meetup for all low level systems enthusiasts in Berlin. If you’re interested in how Databases, Distributed Systems and Compilers work, this Meetup is the place for you!
Join us at the Snowflake office on September 30th. We will provide a selection of beverages, including beer and soft drinks, along with a variety of food options (yes, that includes veggie and vegan!). Just bring yourself and be ready to enjoy!
6-6:30 pm: Registration and networking
6:30-7 pm: Michael Abd-El-Malek and Sergei Kabanov, Snowflake
Slicing Through the Chaos: Microservices Layer on Snowflake's Control Plane
7- 7:15 pm: Break
7:15 - 8:15 pm: Neeraj Kulkarni, Exasol
Comparing Big Data Querying across 2 different paradigms - Warehouses and Data LakeHouses
8:15 pm: Networking
Note: All visitors to the Snowflake office are required to be pre-registered via Envoy. You will receive an email from Envoy couple days before the event takes place to pre-register as an office visitor.
Please join the slack community for updates and interactions: https://join.slack.com/t/berlinsystemsgroup/shared_invite/zt-2jlevdt51-1ae1MWwcaZuvdLBp1kNSjA