Cover Image for Calendar
The official events calendar of Karisma. Become a member or learn more: Sign up to member-only community hangouts:


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They will show up on the schedule once approved
Jul 30
Cover Image for Coworking + Business Accelerator Mastermind

Coworking + Business Accelerator Mastermind

By Karisma Club
Impact Hub Barcelona
Members Only
Aug 2
Cover Image for Karisma Afterwork 6 | Networking & Drinks For Entrepreneurs & Creatives

Karisma Afterwork 6 | Networking & Drinks For Entrepreneurs & Creatives

By Karisma Club
Barcelona, Catalunya
Open To Public
Aug 6
Cover Image for Masterclass: How To Create A Viral Content Strategy

Masterclass: How To Create A Viral Content Strategy

By Karisma Club
Google Meet
Members Only
Aug 8
Cover Image for Konnect & Groove 16 – 80's/90's Edition | The Entrepreneur's Afterwork Party by Karisma

Konnect & Groove 16 – 80's/90's Edition | The Entrepreneur's Afterwork Party by Karisma

By Karisma Club
Club 23 Barcelona
Open To Public
Aug 13
Cover Image for Expert Q&A: Optimize Your Pricing & Offer

Expert Q&A: Optimize Your Pricing & Offer

By Karisma Club
Google Meet
Members Only
Aug 27
Cover Image for Masterclass: How To Build A Thriving Community & Make It Your Company's Competitive Advantage

Masterclass: How To Build A Thriving Community & Make It Your Company's Competitive Advantage

By Karisma Club
Google Meet
Members Only