Cover Image for Mindful Self Compassion Drop In with Josephine Lynch and Barry Lee

Mindful Self Compassion Drop In with Josephine Lynch and Barry Lee

Hosted by The Mindfulness and Compassion Centre, Barry Lee & Josephine lynch
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About Event

This is a monthly drop-in for people who have completed the 8 week course in Mindful Self Compassion. At the end of every MSC course one of the most frequent observations we hear from participants is how supportive it felt to be part of a group. For some reason most of us find it much harder to keep the practice going after the course has ended and we are on our own. In this drop-in we will revisit some of the practices from the MSC course and there will also be some optional space to share in small groups.

Practicing self-compassion is quite simple but as we know, it isn't always easy. It means turning towards the difficult. This takes courage and a willingness to be open to suffering. We are learning to be a true friend to ourselves and to respond to whatever arises with kindness and equanimity. In this month's session there will be an emphasis on self-compassion in the context of relationships.

This session is offered on a donation basis. If you value the sessions and you would like to make a donation to support the teachers you may do so here: