Cover Image for Free Webinar: How to Get a Job in Bitcoin & Crypto
Cover Image for Free Webinar: How to Get a Job in Bitcoin & Crypto

Free Webinar: How to Get a Job in Bitcoin & Crypto

Hosted by Crypto Academy
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About Event

In this free webinar, Pomp will be joined by a panel of industry experts to discuss how to break into the Bitcoin & crypto industry.

​​We'll cover the most important to-do's, common mistakes & pitfalls, and the things you can do today to kickstart a transition into the industry.

​​What to expect ...

  • ​​Insider insights: Our panel of industry experts will share their personal insights on how they landed their dream roles.

  • ​​Discover opportunities: We'll discuss the diverse range of opportunities available in the industry and how to find the perfect opportunity for you.

  • ​​Resume & interview tips: Our panel will discuss the strategies they used to develop an attention-grabbing resume and crush in interviews, and they'll share advice on how to showcase your unique skills.

  • ​​Networking: Our panel will discuss how they built meaningful connections across the industry. In the discussion group portion of the webinar, you'll have the chance to connect directly with other participants.

  • ​​Q&A: We will leave plenty of time for Q&A so you can ask your questions directly to Pomp and our panel of industry experts.

  • ​​Fun: In addition to learning a lot, we'll have a lot of fun and make some new friends.

​We will be joined by ...

​Allen Helm

​Allen (@AllenHODL on X) joined BTC Inc. in 2021 as an Account Manager, where he played a pivotal role in orchestrating the major Bitcoin Conference series in Miami and Amsterdam. BTC Inc. is a collection of brands, including Bitcoin Magazine, The Bitcoin Conference, and UTXO Management, supporting the Bitcoin movement towards Hyperbitcoinization.

​Allen's deep understanding of client needs and marketing strategies led him to a promotion to Director of Account Services at Bitcoin Magazine, the media arm of BTC Inc. In this role, Allen is spearheading the development of a Bitcoin-focused marketing agency that caters to top-tier clients like Unchained, Marathon, Ledger, and Kraken.

Mitchell Askew

Mitchell Askew (@MitchellHODL on X) is the Head Analyst at Blockware Solutions and the author of "The Conservative Case for Bitcoin."

Mitch has spent the past two years working full-time in the Bitcoin industry, starting as an unpaid intern, and has since leveled up multiple times, taking on increased responsibilities. Mitch focuses on content creation, marketing, and analyzing the Bitcoin & Bitcoin Mining ecosystems.

​Kenny DeGiglio

​Kenny (@KennyD21m on X) is the Co-Founder of Crypto Academy and Dream Startup Job, where he's worked alongside Pomp to help thousands of people start new careers in the Bitcoin & crypto industry. After Pomp wraps up his panel with Allen and Mitch, Kenny will take over to host a discussion group where you'll have the chance to ask more questions and meet the other participants.

​If you're interested in chatting with Kenny about how you can find a job in Bitcoin, grab some time on his calendar here:

​​​This free webinar is sponsored by Crypto Academy

​​​The Crypto Academy training program has helped over 300 people transition into the Bitcoin & crypto industry.

​​​The three-week cohort-based program includes over 50 live events with Pomp and Crypto Academy's team of coaches.

​​​The next cohort starts on September 9th.

​​​Learn more & apply today:

​Can't make it live?

​This free webinar will be recorded, so we'd encourage you to register even if you aren't able to attend live. We will send the recording to all registrants once the session wraps.

​​Please note that by sharing your information in the registration process, you agree to receive emails and/or texts from the Crypto Academy team. You will have the option to opt-out at any time if you aren't interested.