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Cover Image for Grow Your Email List: 100 Subs Quest! 🧭
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Grow Your Email List: 100 Subs Quest! 🧭

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​Wish your email list was growing faster? Me too! Join me on a Quest for 100 new subscribers during the month of August.

​What's this all about?
We're on a mission to find your growth levers for your newsletter. Over the course of 4 weeks, we'll explore 4 different channels and techniques for list growing. Each week, you'll be sent on a mission to find new subscribers using the week's technique. You'll leave this quest with new subscribers and a clear sense of which list growth techniques work best for you!

​Week 1: Referrals
Week 2: Community teasers
Week 3: Cross-promotions
Week 4: Choose your channel (I'll give you the options!)

​How's it going to work?
This is a 4 week quest where we meet every week for a little tip session, a little homework and a little supportive cheering on.

​Live session times are:
Tuesday, August 6 from 1-2pm ET (10-11am PT)
Tuesday, August 13 from 1-2pm ET (10-11am PT)
Tuesday, August 20 from 1-2pm ET (10-11am PT)
Tuesday, August 27 from 1-2pm ET (10-11am PT)
Friday, August 30 from 1-2pm ET (10-11am PT)

​You'll also get access to our private Quest community channel in the Growthtrackers Slack and a workbook for the challenge.

​PLUS There's always prizes with every quest! Previous prizes have included custom stickers, t-shirts, three months of Senja, business book packs, sponsorship packages on Low Energy Leads and more! Prizes will be announced soon.

​What's a Quest?
A Quest is a mini-challenge we embark on together to achieve a clear mission. Our mission for this one is to gain 100 subscribers or as close to that as we can get.* In the process, you'll illuminate which list growth levers are a right fit for you.

​Who should come?
Creative entrepreneurs running service-based businesses. Web designers, copywriters, marketers, video/audio pros, consultants and coaches.

​Do you need an email list already?
Probably. You at least need a premise. The techniques we're using get easier when you know what you're emailing people about and what they can expect. If you know your topic, your audience and your frequency, you're a great candidate for the quest!

​About your host
Lex Roman will lead these sessions. Lex is a growth marketer for creatives, focused on helping you find clients on your terms. She writes the Low Energy Leads newsletter, the Journalists Pay Themselves newsletter and is the creator of Growthtrackers, a marketing experimentation program currently on hiatus.

​*100 subs is ambitious but possible! Note that if you're targeting a niche crowd or are vetting every subscriber, you may end up with less and that's great too. The goal is to growth your list in the right way for you and your business. The number is really just to gamify it a bit for us:)

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Hosted By
20 Went