Cover Image for A reading group for hopeful technologists #3: Resisting AI
Cover Image for A reading group for hopeful technologists #3: Resisting AI
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Careful Industries

A reading group for hopeful technologists #3: Resisting AI

Google Meet
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About Event

For reading group #3, Dan McQuillan will join us for a Q&A to discuss his book Resisting AI, followed by small group discussions. (Buy the paperback from, your favourite anti-fascist bookshop, or borrow it from your local library.)

This is a gentle, shared space to come together as an act of hopeful resistance and solidarity building.

Who's it for?
People who work in, make, study or just spend too much time thinking about technology, who want to build and shape equitable alternatives to the techno-optimistic AI brotopia.

What will we do?
Come along having read Dan McQuillan's Resisting AI and we'll spend an hour talking about the book and related topics.

Gently Self-Organised
Dan has kindly agreed to join for a Q&A and, if more 12 people come along, we'll split into small groups to discuss the book.

If you're the sort of person who likes to be prepared, here's a video (26 mins) of Dan talking about the themes in the book. I'll share some possible themes for discussion nearer the time.

Code of Conduct. 

In attending this online reading group, you agree to: 
- Act respectfully and inclusively towards others 

- Share knowledge

- Respect one another's privacy 

- Show self-awareness and make space for others 

Avatar for Careful Industries
Presented by
Careful Industries