Cover Image for Journey Mapping Activation: Bringing Your Maps To Life
Cover Image for Journey Mapping Activation: Bringing Your Maps To Life
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Journey Mapping Activation: Bringing Your Maps To Life

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About Event

It’s not about the map (a noun), it’s about the mapping (a verb). Answers are not going to magically pop off your journey maps and tell your team exactly what to do. Instead, you have to be proactive about getting others to engage in mapping activity, from beginning to end. Your role necessarily shifts from mapmaker to facilitator. 

📄 In this session with Jim Kalbach, author of Mapping Experiences, you'll discover:

  • Concrete steps for impactful mapping: Approach to take for enhancing the impact of your mapping efforts.

  • Collaborative field research: Techniques for conducting field research collaboratively, ensuring comprehensive insights.

  • Engaging mapping workshops: Strategies for holding effective journey mapping workshops that drive actionable results.

Get ready to learn how to activate your mapping effort as Jim will share concrete actions to take and his best practices.

🎤 About the speaker

Jim Kalbach is a noted author, speaker, and instructor in innovation, design, and the future of work. He is currently Chief Evangelist at Mural, the leading online whiteboard.

Jim is the author of several books: Designing Web Navigation (O’Reilly, 2007), Mapping Experiences, 2nd Ed. (O’Reilly, 2020), and The Jobs To Be Done Playbook (Rosenfeld, 2020). In 2023 he co-authored Collaborative Intelligence (Wiley, 2023) with Mariano Battan. Jim is also the Co-founder and Principal at the JTBD Toolkit, an online resource with learning, trainings, and content.

About organizers

​​​UXPressia is an all-in-one cloud solution for understanding customer, user, and buyer experience, engaging teams, and driving successful digital transformation. Visualize your customers' journeys, create personas and impact maps, analyze touchpoints in multi-channel interactions, and invite teammates to collaborate in real time. Export designer-quality maps and personas and present them right from your browser online.

​​​🎥 The event is going to be recorded.

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Presented by
UXPressia Events
UXPressia's events bring together people who are passionate about improving customer and user experience through journey mapping.
Hosted By
684 Went