The club has the rights to reject any additional entry.
Public walk-in registration will be placed on a pending approval status awaiting capacity. Only approved ticket-holders will be accepted into the session.
Members have priority over public walk-in.
Session capacity is 60 people.
You will not be charged if you are not accepted into the event.
Number of Courts available: 10
Court Allocation:
Higher numbered courts are for beginners players.
Lower numbered courts are for advanced players.
Committee has priority use for court 1 & 2 near the desk.
Click "Register", and enter your details.
Once registered, you will be on the Pending Approval status.
Only approved ticket-holders are accepted into the session.
You may be contacted via email or text on whether you are accepted on the day.
Cancellation Policy:
If you are on the Pending list, you can cancel your ticket without charges at any time.
If you have been Approved, you will be charged.
Badminton Etiquette:
Please wear sportswear, badminton shoes, or non-marking shoes, bring your own racquets or lend one at the Monash Sport reception.
Avoid disrupting ongoing games or crossing over the courts.
Doubles games are preferred. Singles games can be played when time and space allow.
New shuttles collected at the committee desk.
Please use the shuttles responsibly. After each game, pass any usable shuttles to the next group.
If you need a new shuttle, please bring the old one back to the basket near the desk to swap for a new one.
Participants should assess their physical condition to determine whether they are fit to play badminton and will participate at their own risk.