NC Fellowship - Session with Ashish Kumar
Ashish currently leads impact investing and venture philanthropy activities across Africa and Asia – with a focus on funding early-stage impact start-ups in the areas of Climate Finance/Energy Access, Circular Economy, Agriculture, Mobility, Gender inclusion et al.
In a career journey spanning nearly a decade-and-half so far, Ashish’s self-discovery pursuit towards uncovering a purpose-driven occupation warranted him into three hustling career transitions, if not more. His experiences post an undergraduate engineering degree from IIT Roorkee cover: Driving operational risk mandate at a retail bank; Running a multi-year voluntary leadership program at a slum kids’ NGO; Obtaining an MBA from the University of Oxford; Helping launch an open-innovation start-up; Driving Human Centred Design work first in the private- and then in development sector at Dalberg – living a near-nomadic life travelling across African countries to uncover the lives and collecting stories of farmers, health workers, youth activists et al towards designing impact interventions; To currently leading the impact investing and climate finance mandate to back early-stage social start-ups.
This sessions is a part of Network Capital's "I don't know what I want to do with my life" Fellowship and CEO Fellowship. Join in to learn about mental models for career pivots, human centered-design, and venture capital.