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Build apps, earn $100k+ in bounties and get hired
Featured in
Generative AI San Francisco and Bay Area
Berkeley Omi Hack-Till-Night
Past Event
About Event
Come build your own project or on the Omi v2 device, an AI wearable that transcribes the world around you.
we will have 100+ devices for you all, INCLUDING DEV KIT 2, that no one in the world has yet
Omi is open source on GitHub with plenty of bounties always available.
Current Schedule:
Meet at 11 for an intro from Nik Shevchenko (Founder)
Hack for a couple hours
Reconvene for food
Hack till 8:30
Demo 9
- 10 necklaces (V2)
- Omi office tour and free coworking access!
$10k in cash for bounties
Feel free to stay for longer to finish your projects👀
If you present a cool demo you’ll win an Omi device.
Event is hosted in Arcadia hacker house!
Join our chat in telegram:
Presented by
Build apps, earn $100k+ in bounties and get hired