Cover Image for Getting Unpalatable Dance Class
Private Event

Getting Unpalatable Dance Class

Hosted by Melissa
Registration Closed
This event is not currently taking registrations. You may contact the host or subscribe to receive updates.
About Event

A movement workshop for recovering perfectionists, occasional people pleasers and peeps who bend themselves out of shape for other people’s benefit!

We’re risking cringe

We’re wiggling ugly

We’re disorienting the neural pathways and habits of likability

Come embody the unpalatable versions of yourself with others as a PRACTICE so you are ready to take up wayyyyy more space in your body and your life.

This is a playful training ground for people who wish they could say IDGAF and actually mean it.

A mental health sweat bonanza!
Creative gyration to exorcise likability at all costs!
We are getting unpalatable and we are making it feel good.

Expect to follow guided cues, but be lead by your own movement curiosity.
Equal parts visualization, sweaty intuitive movement, lil journaling, and optional break-out groups to discuss what came up for you ~

You can, of course, have your camera on or off, and join in the discussions at the end to the degree you're up for!

No professional dance experience is required whatsoever.

About your host:

Melissa Word is an artist, dancer and movement guide for people who want to feel more creative and expressed in their bodies and lives.

For more info on my teaching background and influences go here

Big ole disclaimer: this space is held as a creative container for expanding your expression. I, as your host, am not a therapist or mental health professional, and have not solved the inner riddle of codependency. It's something I continue to be in recovery for, and am sharing, as an artist, the practices and tools that are enjoyable and helpful to me.

If you feel called to join, but the class fee is out of your current means, email for a discount code.

Recordings will be sent to you following the event.

For questions: