Cover Image for AI in Healthcare - Between Ambition and Reality
Cover Image for AI in Healthcare - Between Ambition and Reality
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Merantix Momentum
199 Went
Private Event

AI in Healthcare - Between Ambition and Reality

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About Event

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to transform healthcare, leading to better patient outcomes, improved quality of care, and higher operational efficiency. Does it live up to its promise?

Together with Future4care and Flying Health, we warmly invite you to our event, "AI in Healthcare - Between Ambition and Reality," taking place on September 10, 2024, in Berlin. Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare industry and discover the potential AI technologies hold for the future.

We will feature experts from various sectors of healthcare who will reflect on the current state of AI from regulatory, industry, payor, and provider perspectives and share concrete examples to illustrate success factors and pitfalls when implementing AI technology in their fields.

As our panelist, we will welcome:
🎤 Dr. Mina Baumgarten, Leitung Geschäftsprozesse und Versorgungsinnovation at Vivantes
🎤 Anisa Idris, Board Member at SVGDV
🎤 Dr. Frederic Kube, Digital Medical Program Lead Oncology at Pfizer
🎤 Anna Windisch, Chief Marketing Officer at QUMEA
🎤 Marek Rydzewski, Chief Digital Officer at Barmer

We are looking forward to your participation and an inspiring exchange. If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to contact us at:

Merantix AI Campus Berlin
Max-Urich-Straße 3, 13355 Berlin, Germany
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Presented by
Merantix Momentum
199 Went