Cover Image for Reception of Japan Blockchain Week 2024 at JFW
Cover Image for Reception of Japan Blockchain Week 2024 at JFW
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Private Event

Reception of Japan Blockchain Week 2024 at JFW

Hosted by N.Avenue/CoinDeskJAPAN & CoinDesk JAPAN
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About Event

Reception of Japan Blockchain Week 2024 at JFW

概要 / Overview
本イベントは、web3とフィンテック業界の関係者の交流を促進することを目的としています。主催はJapan Blockchain Week、IVS Crypto、N.Avenue(CoinDesk JAPAN)の3者で、金融庁が主催する「Japan Fintech Week 2024」の一環として開催されます。Astar NetworkとHIRAC FUNDのサポートを受け、このサイドイベントは2024年3月4日にマネーフォワード本社で行われます。事前登録の上、是非この機会に会場へお越しください。

This event aims to encourage interaction among professionals in the web3 and fintech industries. It is organized by three entities: Japan Blockchain Week, IVS Crypto, and N.Avenue (CoinDesk JAPAN). As a part of “Japan Fintech Week 2024,” organized by the Financial Services Agency, this side event is supported by Astar Network and HIRAC FUND. Please register in advance and take this opportunity to join us at the venue.

実施日時 / Date and Time
March 4, 2024 (Monday) 19:00-21:00

会場 / Venue
📍東京都港区芝浦3-1-21 msb Tamachi 田町ステーションタワーS 21F
Money Forward, Inc. 📍3-1-21 Shibaura, msb Tamachi Station Tower S, 21F, Minato-ku, Tokyo

定員 / Capacity
100名 *事前登録が必要です。参加者は抽選により決定します。
100 people *Pre-registration required. Participants will be selected by lottery.

Starting from the 22nd, we will begin announcing the winners. We will notify all applicants of their results in sequence.

主催 / Organized by
・Japan Blockchain Week
・IVS Crypto
・N.Avenue(CoinDesk JAPAN)

協賛 / Sponsored by
・Astar Network
・HIRAC FUND(Venue Sponsor)

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
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