Cover Image for Think Slow Dojo

Think Slow Dojo

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About Event

The Think Slow Dojo is a practice space where we train and grow our skill in Slow Thinking.

Our sessions are organized around The Manifesto for Slow Thinking:
We are uncovering better ways of collaborating beyond the routine.
We appreciate the value of:
Questions before answers
Observations before evaluations
Change of perspective before point of view
Self-reflection before criticism
People tend to “think fast”. This can lead to undesirable effects. The items on the left side facilitate “slow thinking”. They improve the quality of the right side and should therefore be applied consciously and intensively. Apply the items on the left side one time more than your intuition tells you to!
As much as that makes sense, you’re probobly asking yourself some version of: How do I DO that? In my real life? With the people around me? In the contexts that matter?
During the practice session at the Think Slow Dojo, we’ll be exploring these questions, exchanging insights and discovering our own answers with the support of LiberatingStructures
*”Fast thinking” and “slow thinking” refer to the work of Nobel Prize in Economics winner Daniel Kahneman. Thousands of people have already incorporated the manifest for slow thinking into their daily work. Apply it for your purposes too!Sign the manifesto at:
NOTE we begin promptly at 16:05 CET. Thank you for showing up on time.