Cover Image for Jingle Jam presented by Crypto Cocktails
Cover Image for Jingle Jam presented by Crypto Cocktails

Jingle Jam presented by Crypto Cocktails

ホスト: Takenori Dochaさん他4名

​Jingle Jam presented by Crypto Cocktails 🎄🎅🥂🎁

​​8月䞋旬に郜内で開催された「Crypto Cocktails: Summer Night Festival」の熱気をそのたたに、Crypto Cocktailsは再び銀座の倜を盛り䞊げたす今回はPRを限りなく少なく前回の孊びを掻かし今回はピッチ等はございたせんクリスマスをテヌマにした、より䞀局楜しいコンテンツでお届けしたす。

  • ​​開催日時: 12月18日氎 21:00 - 02:00 🗓

  • ​​䌚堎: Zouk Tokyo (銀座) 📍

  • ​​参加者: 箄700名*を予定

    • ​抜遞䌚参加はluma登録必須🚚

  • ​​入堎料: 男性4000円
    入堎料には、1,000円盞圓の通垞ドリンクチケット1枚ず、2,500円盞圓のプレミアム・テキヌラ Clase Azul 専甚ドリンクチケット1枚、合蚈2枚*が含たれおいたす。                                             *ドリンクチケットの䟡倀を考慮するず、実質的な入堎料は男性500円、女性は無料さらに1,500円分お埗ずいう蚈算になりたす。

​ 3杯目以降はキャッシュ・オンずなりたす。

  • ​​ドレスコヌド: 赀🔎や癜⚪の服装、若しくはサンタコス🎅🏻🀶🏌で参加された方には豪華景品が圓たる抜遞刞を枚通垞枚プレれント🎟🎁


  • ​VIPテヌブルパッケヌゞ芁予玄1,500 USDT

    • ​ 入堎: 最倧6名様たでVIP専甚パスが必芁です。セキュリティを匷化しおおりたすので、パスがない堎合はVIP゚リアぞの入堎はできたせん。

    • ​プレミアムテキヌラ: 1本目ずしお Clase Azul レポサドをご提䟛通垞䟡栌皎サ別¥120,000 → 皎蟌¥158,400。

    • ​远加ボトル: 2本目以降は各テヌブルで個別䌚蚈ずなりたす。

    • ​メッセヌゞ衚瀺: 远加ボトルをご泚文の方は、ご垌望のメッセヌゞをスクリヌンにお3分間衚瀺が可胜䟋「○○さんお誕生日おめでずう」や「カクテルズ最高」等。



  • ​Clase Azul Reposado (クラセアスヌル・レポサド


​​䞻催クリプト・カクテルズ - Crypto Cocktails

  • ​​Moshin: YouTube登録者数11䞇人を誇るクリプト投資家。垂堎分析や魅力的なコンテンツで知られおいたす。
    YouTubeチャンネル 📺

  • ​​Kanto: Bybit WSOT Japan No.1チヌムのリヌダヌで、トレンドやチャンスを芋逃さないクリプトトレヌダヌ。
    Xプロフィヌル 📊

  • ​​Apollon: YouTubeずXで合蚈2.5䞇人のフォロワヌを持぀クリプトYouTuber。圌の動画シリヌズは、笑い無しには芋られたせん。
    Xプロフィヌル 🎥

  • ​Murphy: Xで6.6䞇人のフォロワヌを持぀トレヌダヌ兌クリプト投資家。熱海にラヌメン『貝心のいち撃』をOPEN 🍜✚
    Xプロフィヌル 🎉

  • ​​Docha: Crypto VIP event curator & Retail Event Strategist at Clase Azul Xプロフィヌル 🍞


  • ​​AKIRA: Instagram 🎧
    Tokyoを䞭心にNewYorkやGuam,Manilaず䞖界各囜様々なクラブや音楜むベントに出挔。CE LA VI TOKYO / epica OKINAWA / 10AK TOKYOでレゞデンスDJを務め、CE LA VI TOKYOずepica OKINAWAでは毎月自身が䞻催するむベントを開催䞭。HIPHOPを䞭心にR&B、DeepHouse,Technoず幅広い遞曲で掻動の堎を広げおいる。


  • ​Main Sponsor:

    • ​​Vantage 💎

  • ​​Other Sponsors:

    • ​​WLF 🐺
      WLF PROJECTは、「人狌ゲヌム」を䞖界芏暡の゚ンタヌテむンメントぞ成長させ、プロプレむダヌが掻躍できる未来を目指しおいたす。このゲヌムを通じお「信じ合う力」を育み、囜境や䞖代を超えた亀流ず新たな文化創造を目指し、皆さたず共に゚ンタヌテむンメントの未来を築きたす。

    • ​Bybit 🚀  5,700䞇人以䞊が利甚する䞖界トップ2の暗号資産取匕所で、業界最高氎準のセキュリティず流動性を提䟛し、初心者からプロたで安心しお利甚できるシンプルか぀倚機胜な取匕環境を通じお、未来の金融を切り拓いおいたす。

    • ​​Zoomex 🌙
      ZOOMEXは、2021幎蚭立の暗号資産取匕所で、業界最速の10ミリ秒の玄定速床を誇り、デリバティブ取匕、珟物取匕、コピヌトレヌド、暗号資産ゲヌム『To The Moon』など倚圩なサヌビスを提䟛し、200䞇人以䞊の利甚者が䞖界30カ囜以䞊で掻甚しおいたす。

    • ​​Slash ⚡​
      Slash Vision Labsは、日本の法芏制に準拠したはじめおのクリプトクレゞットカヌドSlash Cardを開発しおいたす。Slash Cardは、USDCなどのステヌブルコむンをクレゞット䞎信ずしお囜際ブランドカヌドを利甚でき、2025幎䞭のリリヌスを予定。決枈垂堎におけるクリプトの普及をSlashは掚進しおいたす。

    • ​ATT ⏰
      Advertising Time Trace (ATT) は、RWA、DePIN、DLTを統合し、LED広告スクリヌンやAIモデルを掻甚しおWeb2トラフィックを解攟し぀぀、広告資産やデゞタル技術を融合した゚コシステムを構築し、デゞタル金融やIoTなど幅広い分野で応甚可胜なブロックチェヌン゚コシステムの確立を目指すWeb3.0プロゞェクトです。

    • ​​​Websea 🌊

    • ​DeepLink ⛓

    • ​Ledger 🔐
      Ledgerは、2014幎に蚭立された暗号資産の保管・管理甚ハヌドりェアりォレットの開発・販売䌚瀟で、ホワむトハッカヌ集団Ledger Donjonによる培底的なテストを経た補品が环蚈600䞇台以䞊販売され、最新モデル「STAX」ず「FLEX」が奜評発売䞭です。

    • ​Mantle 🌀
      DeFi、ゲヌム、NFTなど倚様なDAppsを展開するモゞュヌル型むヌサリアムL2チェヌンを提䟛する次䞖代金融むンフラで、28億ドル以䞊のDAOトレゞャリヌを掻甚しおMantle NetworkやmETH Protocolを開発し、信頌ず革新を持っおWeb3/DeFiの未来を切り拓きたす。

    • ​貝心の䞀撃 🍜
      静岡県熱海垂にある䞖界初のWeb3.0察応鍋焌きラヌメン店で、実店舗を通じおWeb2ナヌザヌが自然にWeb3を䜓隓できる仕組みを導入しおいたす。来店䞭に「World ID認蚌」を行うず2䞇円以䞊盞圓のデゞタル通貚「$WLD」が無料で受け取れ、次回来店時に$WLDで支払えば実質無料でラヌメンを楜しめる画期的なシステムを提䟛。矎味しい鍋焌きラヌメンず最先端技術が融合した、新しい食ず未来の䜓隓をぜひお楜しみください

・21:00-22:00 Docha
・22:00-22:30 KAIRI
・22:30-23:30 総額100䞇円盞圓の豪華景品抜遞䌚
 〜叞䌚は暗号資産ポッドキャスト “EXODUS” でお銎染みの蚭楜氏ず倧朚氏〜
・23:30-00:00 KAIRI
・00:00-01:00 CYBERJAPAN DANCERS            ・01:00-02:00 AKIRA



Jingle Jam presented by Crypto Cocktails 🎄🎅🥂🎁

​Reliving the energy of the Cocktail’s Night held in late August in Tokyo, Crypto Cocktails is returning to light up the night in Ginza! This time, with minimal PR (learning from the previous event, there will be no pitches), we’ll deliver even more enjoyable Christmas-themed content.

​Event Details

​Date and Time: Wednesday, December 18, 21:00 - 02:00 🗓

​Venue: Zouk Tokyo (銀座) 📍

​Expected Attendees: Approximately 700 people 👥

​Entry Fee:

​• Men: ¥4,000
• Women: ¥2,000

The admission fee includes two drink tickets: one regular drink ticket worth ¥1,000 and one premium tequila Clase Azul ticket worth ¥2,500*.

​*Considering the value of the drink tickets, the effective admission fee is ¥500 for men, while women enter for free (with an additional ¥1,500 value gained).

Additional drinks will be available on a cash-on basis.

​Dress Code

​• Wear red🔎 or white⚪ clothing, or come in a Santa costume🎅🏻🀶🏌, and receive 2 raffle tickets for luxury prizes (usually 1 ticket).

• Special Offer for Women: The first 30 female attendees will receive a Santa costume to wear over their outfit, as a complimentary gift. 🛍🀶


​VIP Table Package (Reservation Required: 1,500 USDT)

​• Admission: Up to 6 guests (VIP passes are required for entry. Enhanced security measures are in place, and access to the VIP area will not be permitted without a pass).

​• Premium Tequila: The first bottle will be Clase Azul Reposado (regular price: ¥120,000 excluding tax and service fees → ¥158,400 tax included).

​• Additional Bottles: Subsequent bottles can be ordered and settled individually at each table.

​• Message Display: Guests who order additional bottles can display a custom message on the screen for 3 minutes (e.g., “Happy Birthday, ○○!” or “Cheers to Cocktails!”).

​Guests with VIP reservations are required to provide their reservation name at the reception to receive their exclusive VIP neck strap.

​For VIP table reservations, please contact a member of the Cocktails team directly.

​Rules and Notices
• Solicitation of any kind within the venue is strictly prohibited. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
• Photography and filming will be conducted at the event. By attending, you consent to being photographed or recorded.

​Presented by Crypto Cocktails

  • ​​Moshin: A crypto investor with 110K YouTube subscribers, known for market analysis and engaging content. YouTube Channel 📺

  • ​​Kanto: Leader of Bybit WSOT Japan's No.1 team, a crypto trader who never misses trends and opportunities. X Profile 📊

  • ​​Apollon: A crypto YouTuber with a total of 25K followers on YouTube and X. His video series are a must-watch for their humor. X Profile 🎥

  • ​​Murphy: A crypto investor with 66K followers on X, who also runs a ramen shop in Atami. X Profile 🎉

  • ​Docha: Crypto VIP event curator & Retail Event Strategist at Clase Azul X Profile 🍞

​Guest Performances


​• ​AKIRA: Instagram 🎧
Based in Tokyo, Akira has performed at clubs and music events across the globe, including New York, Guam, and Manila. Currently a resident DJ at CE LA VI TOKYO, epica OKINAWA, and 1OAK TOKYO, he also host monthly events at CE LA VI TOKYO and epica OKINAWA. With a music style rooted in HIPHOP and branching into R&B, Deep House, and Techno, Akira brings a versatile and dynamic approach to every performance.


  • ​Main Sponsor:

    • ​​Vantage 💎
      Vantage is a global multi-asset broker with over 15 years of market experience, trusted by traders worldwide. Offering access to a wide range of trading products, including FX, stock indices, commodities, and stock CFDs, Vantage caters to the diverse needs of both beginners and professionals. With lightning-fast execution speeds, advanced charting tools, and user-friendly platforms, it also supports skill development through free educational resources and risk management tools. As a reliable and innovative partner, Vantage provides traders with confidence and value in their trading journey.

  • ​​Other Sponsors:

    • ​​WLF 🐺
      WLF PROJECT aims to transform the “Werewolf Game” into a global entertainment phenomenon, fostering trust, communication, and cross-border connections. Together, we work to shape the future of entertainment.

    • ​Bybit 🚀  A global top 2 cryptocurrency exchange with over 57 million users, offering industry-leading security and liquidity. Bybit provides a simple yet versatile trading environment, ensuring accessibility and confidence for everyone from beginners to professionals, paving the way for the future of finance.

    • ​​Zoomex 🌙
      Established in 2021, ZOOMEX is a cryptocurrency exchange boasting the industry’s fastest execution speed of 10 milliseconds. It offers a wide range of services, including derivatives trading, spot trading, copy trading, and the crypto game To The Moon, with over 2 million users across more than 30 countries worldwide.

    • ​​Slash ⚡​ Slash Vision Labs is creating the Slash Card, Japan’s first crypto credit card compliant with local regulations. Launching in 2025, it enables stablecoins like USDC to be used as credit for international payments, advancing crypto adoption in the payment market.

    • ​ATT ⏰
      Advertising Time Trace (ATT) is a Web3.0 project integrating RWA, DePIN, and DLT. By utilizing LED screens and AI models, it unlocks Web2 traffic and merges advertising assets with digital technology, aiming to create a versatile blockchain ecosystem for digital finance, IoT, and more.

    • ​​​Websea 🌊
      A next-generation digital asset trading platform combining GameFi, SocialFi, and ServerFi, offering new revenue opportunities to players, developers, and communities while advancing Web3 through innovative gameplay and optimized social and gaming ecosystems.

    • ​DeepLink ⛓
      A decentralized cloud gaming protocol combining AI, blockchain, GPUs, and tokenized assets. It delivers ultra-low-latency rendering for eSports, AAA games, and VR/AR/XR, while using AI to enhance game resolution and clarity.

    • ​Ledger 🔐
      Founded in 2014, is a developer and seller of hardware wallets for secure cryptocurrency storage and management. With rigorous testing by the white-hat hacker team Ledger Donjon, it has sold over 6 million units, including its latest models, “STAX” and “FLEX,” now available to wide acclaim.

    • ​Mantle 🌀
      A modular Ethereum L2 chain supporting DeFi, gaming, and NFTs, powered by a $2.8 billion DAO treasury to drive innovation with Mantle Network and mETH Protocol, shaping the future of Web3 and DeFi.

    • ​貝心の䞀撃 -Kaishin No Ichigeki-🍜
      The world-first Web3.0 hot pot ramen shop in Atami, Shizuoka, where guests can earn ¥20,000 worth of “$WLD” via “World ID verification” and enjoy free ramen on their next visit. Discover a unique blend of delicious ramen and cutting-edge technology!

​Event Schedule

​• 21:00-22:00: Docha

​• 22:00-22:30: KAIRI

​• 22:30-23:30: Luxurious prize draw totaling 1 Million JPY hosted by Yusuke Shidara and Hisashi Oki, renowned for their cryptocurrency podcast “EXODUS” 

​• 23:30-00:00: KAIRI

​• 00:00-01:00: Main Guests – CYBERJAPAN DANCERS   

​• 01:00-02:00: AKIRA

​Join us for a special Christmas event in the heart of Ginza, filled with networking opportunities, great drinks, and

​unforgettable entertainment. 🎄🎅🥂🎁

Zouk Tokyo
7-chōme-2-18 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan