Rust Matters London - Keyrock
Join us for an evening of knowledge sharing, networking, and all things Rust.
Whether you're a seasoned Rust expert or just beginning your journey, this meet-up welcomes everyone!
Expect food, drinks, networking, and talks! 🍕🍻
1. Alex Butler, Lead Developer at Keyrock on “High performance & scalable latency metric publishing”
At Keyrock we run hundreds of services receiving, processing and emitting a high and volatile volume of trading signals from all around the world. We'll look at how we record the latency of our services at this scale with minimal overhead & cost.
Keyrock is a global leader in Market making, OTC and Option trading for digital assets. Providing liquidity to markets since 2017, their 170-strong team is spread across the world. Keyrock’s commitment to the industry is practical, not theoretical. From supporting Web3 startups through an Accelerator program to injecting capital into promising DeFi protocols. With Keyrock, the future of digital assets is not just envisioned; it's actively being built.
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2. Maxwell Flitton, Senior Software Engineer at SurrealDB on “Rust for Web and Nanoservices”
As Rust matures so do the options for Rust and web programming. Some people argue that Rust is not the language for web programming. However, Maxwell Flitton believes that it is the future of web programming. This author of the 1st, 2nd, and upcoming 3rd edition of the Packt book Rust and Web Programming is going to cover key concepts that enable you to write productive flexible code that scales. These concepts will empower you to unit test your endpoints, mock your database connections, swap out databases and web frameworks with just a few lines of code, embed Rust into Redis caches, compile all servers into one monolith, or burst out your system into microservices just by changing the command, embed JavaScript frontend applications into the Rust binary with the server for the Rust server to serve, and build distroless Docker builds that are so stripped down they don’t have a terminal. You can now embed Rust code into NGINX, Redis, Postgres, and core libraries like TLS have been rewritten in Rust. It’s no mistake that Maxwell Flitton works for SurrealDB, a database written in Rust that can run in the browser, distributed, on a server, or embedded. Maxwell believes that Rust is going to do to the web, what C did to hardware.
More About This Speaker:
Maxwell Flitton is a software engineer at SurrealDB. He is also a visiting research associate, at the School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Science at Kings College London. Here Maxwell is leading the Rust software development for medical devices and surgical robotics.
SurrealDB is a versatile, multi-model database designed for modern and traditional applications. It supports cloud, on-premise, embedded, and edge deployments, offering scalability and consistent data management without requiring multiple database platforms. Its focus on developer experience makes it ideal for a wide range of use cases.
📚 Rust Web Programming: Developing fast and secure web apps
📚 Rust Web Programming - Second Edition
📚 Speed Up Your Python with Rust
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3. Maciej Żyszkiewicz, Software Engineer at Parity on Move your docs closer to the code with Rust Docs and Docify
Polkadot is a rapidly evolving open source blockchain protocol that depends on the coordination of various and often unaffiliated developers, node operators, wallet creators, and other contributors. For these actors to seamlessly interact, they need clear, unified documentation as a source of truth. At Parity, where we develop one of the main exemplary implementations of Polkadot, we’ve aimed to move our documentation directly into the Rust codebase using Rust Docs to keep it in actual parity with the code. A core part of this approach is the Docify crate, which dynamically embeds and runs code examples and tests within the documentation itself, ensuring everything stays accurate and up-to-date. In this talk, I’ll demonstrate how this method leveraging Docify simplifies maintenance and keeps the entire ecosystem synchronized.
Parity Technologies is dedicated to enabling businesses and organizations to harness the potential of blockchain technology and seize the new opportunities it offers. They develop advanced software solutions for enterprises and industries to unlock the full value of decentralized technology. Parity believes decentralized technology has the power to fundamentally transform and enhance the systems that businesses, consumers, and governments rely on daily.