Cover Image for Fill Your Pipeline with Prospects who are 80% SOLD
Cover Image for Fill Your Pipeline with Prospects who are 80% SOLD
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Presented by
Profit Ladder
Grow your expert-led service business without slimy sales. Expand your pipeline, profits, and impact with productized offers.
Hosted By
11 Going

Fill Your Pipeline with Prospects who are 80% SOLD

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About Event

β€‹πŸ“ˆ By joining this free training you'll be 1 step closer to increasing your sales and impact, while winning back your time and freedom.


​Expert-led service providers have used the same broken sales systems to grow their business for decades.

​tl;dr Work harder and longer to sell more work.

​This training will help you shift from Sales-Led Service Provider trading all of your time for money...

​To Product-Led Entrepreneur building a healthy, thriving business you're proud of.

​What you'll leave with

​You'll learn a unique growth strategy that will:

  • ​Attract qualified prospects (who are 80% sold)

  • ​Enjoy selling (and feel more confident)

  • ​Shorten your sales cycles

  • ​Maximize your win rates

  • ​Earn passive revenue

​Who attends

​Owners of expert-led service businesses, like:

  • ​Consultancies

  • ​Agencies

  • ​Coaches

​What attendees say

β€‹β€œGreat hands-on session! Very practical. I've already implemented several ideas this past weekend.”

​"The session was awesome. Thank you so much for generously hosting it and sharing your research insights."

​"I really enjoyed it. I appreciated the paint by numbers explanation of what you’ve done."

β€‹β€œI thought the stories you shared were really engaging and helpful.”

​Can't make it?

​Subscribe here to learn about future sessions

Avatar for Profit Ladder
Presented by
Profit Ladder
Grow your expert-led service business without slimy sales. Expand your pipeline, profits, and impact with productized offers.
Hosted By
11 Going