Cover Image for Invisible Women: Exploring the Gender Data Gap
Cover Image for Invisible Women: Exploring the Gender Data Gap
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Invisible Women: Exploring the Gender Data Gap

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About Event

Join Lija Hogan, Janelle Estes, Marta Rey-Babarro, and Marieke McCloskey in a discussion about inclusivity in research, building on themes from Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez.

Criado Perez’s 2019 book discusses the gender data gap and the biases it has historically introduced to design in education, the workplace, healthcare, and public policy. By centering on men as the default user or customer, women’s needs are inadvertently left out. 

Invisible Women was touted as “arguably one of the most important publications of the year” by The Scotsman. We’ll discuss ideas and strategies to evolve the practice of UX research and design.

This event is for anyone, regardless of gender, who is interested in inclusive research and design. (Don't worry if you don't have time to read the book ahead of the event. You will benefit from the discussion either way.)


Lija Hogan is Principal, Experience Research Strategy at UserTesting, Janelle Estes is Experience Design Platform Director & Lecturer at Bentley University, Marta Rey-Babarro is VP of Research and Insights at Zillow, and Marieke McCloskey is Director, User Experience Research at LinkedIn.

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