Cover Image for Innate Silent Retreat
Cover Image for Innate Silent Retreat
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Innate Experiences
We create experiences that inspire innately fulfilling ways of life. Themed colivings, retreats, gatherings and all sorts more.
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Eight days of meditation, movement & breathwork.
To unlock the next version of you. 


This is a deep journey designed to bring you to a state of inner clarity, strength & joy.

If you're looking for a true break in your life, to get clarity over next steps, or are curious about who you are beyond your thoughts … this is for you.

For the first 5 days, this retreat combines a committed daily meditation practice with yoga sessions, breathwork, ayurvedic food and ancient teachings. In a completely silent and screens-free setting.

On the sixth day we combing our meditative practices with sharings, and more playful activites. Before using the seventh day to capture the insights into a vision for our life going forwards.

So that you can you can reconnect with your innate being – finding the stillness, purpose and fulfilment that is within you.


Recognise your attachments through meditation. Enter stillness through the breath. Enliven your body through light yoga.  Release the mind through deep silence.

It's time to step into the next version of you.

✔ upto 6 hours meditation daily

✔ 2 yoga & pranayama sessions daily

✔ 7 day retreat; silent & screens-free for 5 days

✔  3 fresh ayurvedic meals everyday

✔ introduction to meditation techniques and spiritual teachings daily

✔ embodiment practices, group sessions, ecstatic dance, future-self visualisations and more, over final two days

✔ opening and closing ceremonies

✔ Beautiful venue that has hosted silent retreats for over a decade


With 9 hours practice per day – at times it will be challenging, at times wondrous. One thing is for sure ... you won't come out the same.


We'll be in a beautiful retreat centre, Karuna. Surrounded by deeply silent nature, forests, beaches and blue skies. This centre has been run by a deeply dedicated yogi and team for over three decades; and only works with other silent retreat that they believe in. So we're very grateful to them for letting us work there 🙏


You can stay in a shared room, with your own bed. Or in a private bedroom all to yourself. The venue is a beautiful retreat centre that has been used for silent retreats for over 30 years.


We'll serve two full meals per day, and one light one. Taking inspiration from monastic life. The food will be ayurvedic, and vegan. Expect a clean, hearty breakfast. A fresh and bountiful lunch. And a soup based dinner.

This method and style of eating is key in our inner journey. Enabling a clear mind, lightness of body and detoxing of our system.


Thomas Mathias

A teacher-practitioner, mentor, and body-worker. Sharing Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, non-dual & Tantric philosophy.

He's been practicing and studying intensely for nearly a decade, traveling worldwide to learn with some of todays best spiritual teachers, and has taught and mentored internationally since 2019.

His spiritual path is about combining the gems from different Eastern traditions; seeking out similarities and compatibility, and leaving out what doesn’t work.

Harry Verma

Harry has over six years of creating colivings that bring entrepreneurial people together from around the world, to immerse themselves in meditation and spiritual practices.

An explorer of different practices, he brings the creative vision to creating this rigorous yet approachable silent retreat.

Together with Thomas, they hosted the first silent retreat ... to lovely reviews and kind words.


  • 8 nights and 9 days of accommodation

  • 6 hours of meditation daily

  • 2 hours guided yoga daily

  • guided breathwork session daily

  • 3 ayurvedic meals per day

  • opening and closing ceremony

  • teachings from Patanjali, Buddha, Tantra and more

  • sharing circles, 1on1s, ecstatic dance

  • visualisation session, vision board creation

  • retreat centre with beautiful nature surrounding us

  • 'screens-free & phones-free' environment

  • likeminded group of people to share the inner journey with

Centro de Retiros Karuna
Centro Retiros Karuna, Apartado 1, 8550-000, Portugal
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Presented by
Innate Experiences
We create experiences that inspire innately fulfilling ways of life. Themed colivings, retreats, gatherings and all sorts more.
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