Cover Image for Super Tokyo - dotHAX Incubation DAY1-5
日本で Solana 開発者のweb3に興味のあるすべての人が集まる場所です🇯🇵 最初の暗号通貨は購入するのではなく、獲得しましょう。 #SuperTokyo #Winterarc
27 Went

Super Tokyo - dotHAX Incubation DAY1-5

Register to See Address
Shibuya City, Tokyo
Past Event
Please click on the button below to join the waitlist. You will be notified if additional spots become available.
About Event

(English follows below) 















また、9月のグローバルハッカソン主催者のColosseum担当者、前回の入賞チームMesh Mapからの直接アドバイスを得られる機会があります。

本プログラムに向けて、Superteam Japanがグローバルハッカソン関係者や入賞者にヒアリングを行い、入賞率が少しでも高められるような内容を組み込んでいます。

講師は全員、Superteam Japan Members/Contribuorsです。



1. Luma上で参加申込み(参加者希望者は全員申込み)
2. 応募フォームの提出(チームの代表のみ提出)





  • 複数人で構成している場合は、「応募フォーム」はチームの代表者が提出してください。Lumaは受付でチェックイン確認があるため、参加者全員が登録してください。

  • 対象期間(5日間)は、すべて参加が必須になるため、時間の確保をお願いします。参加する時間帯は調整可能です。

  • 人数に制限があるため、応募フォームより提出いただき、審査後に参加可能チームを選出します。8/11までに参加可否の結果を選出チーム宛に連絡します。

  • 資金調達済みのプロジェクトは対象外のため、今後調達したいと考えているプロジェクトまたは1からの事業構想を提出してください。



Note (12 Aug): this programme is no longer open for participation. Instead, the following event has been newly created (open mainly to prospective Global Hackathon participants). From then on, please see the following event.

Note (26 July): the event is now full. If you would like to be on the waiting list, please feel free to register.

This is an entrepreneur development program aimed at winning the Solana Global Hackathon.

What is the Solana Global Hackathon?
The Solana Global Hackathon is held every six months, bringing together entrepreneurs and developers to discover the next generation of the Solana ecosystem.
Participants aim to win by developing ventures utilizing Solana.

What are the benefits of winning?
Winners of the Global Hackathon will have the opportunity to participate in the Colosseum Accelerator (subject to evaluation). This includes grants/investments ($250,000), funding from VCs, connections with renowned projects, advisory services, and a framework to quickly deploy your business idea within the Solana ecosystem.

How is winning related to entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurs constantly need funding and talent. Winning the Global Hackathon and participating in the Colosseum Accelerator can solve these needs simultaneously.

What exactly will participants do?
Our instructors have extensive experience in new business development consulting for over 30 companies, leading their own companies to IPOs, and launching and managing startups and accelerators in Silicon Valley.
These instructors will work closely with program participants to support their output towards winning the Global Hackathon. We will use the "Lean Canvas," one of the most user-friendly business planning frameworks, to help participants create their outputs.
Instead of the traditional "lecture + output" method, we will adopt a more effective approach of "input on the first day + subsequent output support."

Additionally, participants will have the chance to receive direct advice from the Colosseum organizers and the previous winning team, Mesh Map.

Superteam Japan has conducted interviews with Global Hackathon stakeholders and winners to incorporate content that will slightly increase the chances of winning into this program.

All instructors are Superteam Japan Members/Contributors.

How to participate
Two actions are required:

  1. Apply on Luma (all participants must apply).

  2. Submit the application form (only the team representative should submit).

Application Form:

Target Audience & Period
Target Audience: Individuals or organizations aiming to start a business.
Period: Monday, August 19th to Friday, August 23rd


  • If you are a team, the team representative should apply. Due to limited seats, a maximum of 2 members can participate.

  • Full participation during the target period (5 days) is required, though the specific participation hours can be adjusted.

  • Due to the limited number of seats, the application form should be submitted. After evaluation, we will select the participating teams. Results will be communicated to the selected teams by August 11th.

  • Projects that have already secured funding are not eligible. Please submit projects that seek future funding or new business ideas.



本イベント参加規約(以下「本規約」といいます。)は、Superteam Japan(以下「当社」といいます。)が主催、運営するイベント(以下「イベント」といいます。)に参加する参加者(以下「参加者」といいます。)に適用される規約です。参加者は、本規約に同意した上で、イベントに参加するものとします。



Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Shibuya City, Tokyo
日本で Solana 開発者のweb3に興味のあるすべての人が集まる場所です🇯🇵 最初の暗号通貨は購入するのではなく、獲得しましょう。 #SuperTokyo #Winterarc
27 Went