Cover Image for 🟠 When impact is obvious, why report on it?: The real value drivers of impact reporting
Cover Image for 🟠 When impact is obvious, why report on it?: The real value drivers of impact reporting
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🟠 When impact is obvious, why report on it?: The real value drivers of impact reporting

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​This event is part of The Drop 2024. You must have a ticket to The Drop to attend. Apply for a Drop 2024 ticket.

​Session Overview: With the recent rise in climate impact funds, there has been a surge in the ways we communicate about the impact our investments are having: unit impact, planned impact, impact potential, realized impact, etc. The variety in approaches leads to several questions: what is the purpose of reporting climate impact information? What are we optimising for when reporting on impact (e.g. understandability, accuracy)? Should we look for convergence in the way we communicate impact information, and where? Attendees should join this Ripple to learn why other impact funds have been chosen for a specific impact metric, and jointly decide whether (and where) the industry would be better off with more convergence.

​Key Questions:

  • ​Why do we choose to report on impact information?

  • ​What are meaningful ways to measure and communicate impact for reporting purposes? And how does this answer vary depending on the investor and the audience of the report? (e.g. depending on the fund’s stage of investment, time horizon for investment, mix asks of LPs) -

  • ​What is the minimum bar we should aim for in impact reporting? (in terms of quality of methodology and underlying data) -

  • ​Should we aim for industry convergence in terms of impact reporting metrics, or accept that different investorLP profiles lead to different preferences for metrics?

​Who should attend? This Ripple is primarily focused on impact investors, both GPs and LPs.

Ripple Area #6
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