Cover Image for The Graph/Graph AdvocatesDAO - the first meetup in Taipei
Cover Image for The Graph/Graph AdvocatesDAO - the first meetup in Taipei
Hosted By
66 Went

The Graph/Graph AdvocatesDAO - the first meetup in Taipei

Hosted by jimxjim.eth
Sold Out
This event is sold out and no longer taking registrations.
About Event

歡迎參加 The Graph/Graph AdvocatesDAO 在台灣第一次舉辦的聚會!無論你是開發者或是 web3 愛好者,活動能讓你們了解更多有關 The Graph 的技術和最新資訊,我們備有餐點、飲品讓大家享用,在輕鬆的氣氛下討論,對彼此、對 The Graph 和 Graph AdvocatesDAO 有更多認識。

Are you a developer or a web3 enthusiast? The Graph / Graph AdvocatesDAO holds this event to let everyone know the latest status of The Graph. Feel free to join us in the discussion. Get your swag and share it on your social media! We also provide food and drink.

講者 Speakers:
Hau - Pinax (a core dev team of The Graph)
Irara - imToken
Jim - Graph AdvocatesDAO

Graph AdvocatesDAO Discord:


We will first consider attendees from Taiwan for building a local community. The contents might be in Mandarin.

If the cap is reached, you can also come and discuss with others, but the swag, food, and seats might not be enough.

Cymking Space
號7樓, No. 52, Section 3, Nangang Rd, Nangang District, Taipei City, Taiwan 115
7F, take the elevator
Hosted By
66 Went