Cover Image for Courage Muscle Jam

Courage Muscle Jam

Hosted by Dan Greenwald - ThirtyTenZero
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

Welcome to your Courage Muscle Jams

​You’ve gone through the Courage Muscle Training.

The aim is for the training is for you to activate living with more courage, greater energy and gain clarity to move anything standing in your way.

Courage Muscle Training - Three Areas of Focus

  1. Courage 💪 "Fear Equals Opportunity " - Courage to lean in and rewire your mind so that fear equals opportunity

  2. Energy ⚡️ Strong State - Courage to do what's needed to farm living in a consistent strong state

  3. Clarity 🧠 StoryWatch - Courage to capture your mind's stories driving your actions

​The jams are designed for you:

  • To dive deeper, ask questions, and learn more about how to optimize and motivate oursleves towards getting what we really want

  • To celebrate and grow with others in sharing wins, progress, or ask any questions about anything Courage Muscle-related​.

*The signup/ purchase of Courage Muscle Training through Gumroad is encouraged but not required in order to participate in this event.