Cover Image for IAC Discord AMA: The Art and Science of Role-Based Access Control in Discord UX

IAC Discord AMA: The Art and Science of Role-Based Access Control in Discord UX

Hosted by Information Architecture (IAC) conference
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About Event

Join Grace, Ken, and Jessi backstage planning as they talk about the information architecture of role-based access control (RBAC) for the IAC Discord server and its impact on the design of the conference experience. Learn about how IAC21 is using Discord to manage backchannel notifications, permissions, and information for its conference and workshops. This event will be recorded.

👋 Meet the speakers

Grace Lau has been a recent convert to Discord since March 2020 and organizes meetups, events, and communities. She is one of this year’s IAC conference co-chairs and has been an organizer of IA events since 2016. Follow her on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Jessi Shakarian is an information architect apprentice at LA DIA Design in Los Angeles. She is working on building the IAC Discord as a virtual conference space for attendees. You can follow her on Twitter and LinkedIn where she talks about chess as it applies UX and information architecture.

Ken Caldwell an information strategist in Ann Arbor and has volunteered for IA events since 2018. He supports the IAC21 MarCom team with design, writing, and Discord moderation. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

📅 This free event is hosted by the 2021 IAC: the information architecture conference. More information at: