Cover Image for First-timers Socials
Private Event

First-timers Socials

Hosted by Information Architecture (IAC) conference & 4 others
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

First-time attendees of the IAC are invited to attend a welcome meet & greet with experienced members of the IA community.

  • Meet other first-timers along with two seasoned IAC attendees

  • Ask experienced attendees questions you have about the event

  • Meet your first conference friend

  • Connect with a potential mentor or a networking contact who knows people they can introduce for you

The event pairs newcomers to the conference with IAC21 volunteers, past and current speakers and other respected members of the IA community.

This event takes place across many time zones, depending on where each attendees lives, which means if it’s lunch time for you it might be late at night for someone else. If you want to bring a celebratory drink or a cup of coffee, that’s great. Just keep in mind that some of us will be ahead of others.

This event is open to first-timers only. Please only sign up if you are attending The IA Conference for the first time.

👋 Meet your hosts

Jeffrey Pass

Bob Kasenchak

David Dylan Thomas

MaShana Davis

Abby Covert