Cover Image for Winter Wonderland...On Ice
Cover Image for Winter Wonderland...On Ice
Avatar for Sugary Community
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Sugary Community
Join 19,547+ New Yorkers who seek to build meaningful connections around the joys of art, music, culture, food and supportive unity.
15 Went
Past Event
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About Event

Given the season, it's the perfect time to be outside, and we'd like to invite members of our community to join us for an evening of group ice skating.

This will be followed by us gathering at a Sunday's in Brooklyn for hot drinks, scrumptious appetizers, and a cozy setting which we'll get us started on.

Don your best winter garb and come join in the winter revelry!

Tickets are just $6 + $6 for Skate Rental For NYC Residents (w/ proof of ID).

Follow the link below:

Sugary members, we'll pick up tab on first drinks for the evening and some light bites for us all to enjoy!

Everyone else is welcome to join as well!

Let's glide into 2025 together!

Skate at Domino Park
12 S 3rd St, Brooklyn, NY 11249, USA
Avatar for Sugary Community
Presented by
Sugary Community
Join 19,547+ New Yorkers who seek to build meaningful connections around the joys of art, music, culture, food and supportive unity.
15 Went