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Cover Image for Unlock the secrets to product-market fit and MVP success
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Zentral DWTC

Unlock the secrets to product-market fit and MVP success

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About Event

Are you a founder grappling with the challenge of finding product-market fit or struggling to build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)? Join us for an exclusive session to understand the essential strategies for turning your vision into a market-ready reality.

Speaker: Shady Ramadan, Head of Product AsterDM Healthcare, Product Coach & Author.

Location: Zentral DWTC, Dubai World Trade Centre, Sheikh Zayed Road

What you’ll learn?

• Identifying and Validating Product-Market Fit: 

Discover proven techniques to validate your idea. Ensure it aligns with your product and resonates with your target audience.

•Building an MVP:

Learn how to create a Minimum Viable Product that meets market needs while keeping costs and time in check.

• Real-World Examples and Practical Strategies: 

Explore case studies and actionable strategies from successful founders to navigate the early stages, refine your approach, and achieve product-market fit effectively.

• Guidance from the best:

Gain insights from Shady Ramadan’s extensive experience to refine your startup journey with confidence and clarity.

 Don’t miss this chance to accelerate your startup’s success.

Zentral - Office Space & Coworking
Zentral Building, Dubai World Trade Centre - Sheikh Zayed Rd - Trade Centre - Trade Centre 2 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Next to Trade Center Arena
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Presented by
Zentral DWTC