Teahouse Salon: An Evening of Culture, Creativity, and Giving Back
Update: Hi all! Just an update that we have over 40 people on our waitlist.
If you previously RSVP’ed please confirm your spot by Venmo-ing a minimum suggested donation of $20 to @Len3689 by Tuesday, 12/17 at 12 PM. After that, we’ll be opening spots on the waitlist.
👉Address be sent to those who’ve confirmed by Venmo day before the event.
👉 If you can no longer make it, please update your RSVP so someone on the waitlist can join.
For centuries, teahouses were places where poets, storytellers, philosophers, and performers gathered to share ideas, news, and entertainment.
On Dec 18th, join us at the Teahouse Salon—an evening of short performances, storytelling, TED-style talks, and skill shares—served with bites and drinks in a secret location in Williamsburg. 🍵💡✨🥟
Turn Creativity Into Impact
All proceeds from the evening will go to providing meals and care to seniors through Heart of Dinner, a nonprofit supporting elderly facing food insecurity and loneliness.
Here’s how you can get involved:
🎤 Sign up to be a part of the lineup. Apply to perform a song, tell a story, teach a skill, or offer something interesting in a low-pressure space. Sign up here.
❤️ Spread the Word. Share this event and invite FIVE people you love, admire or want to connect deeper with.
🤝 Connect us with sponsors or donors. Know a brand, small business, or someone who can donate food or beverages to the event, or match donations (tax-deductible)? Connect with Lenny at len3689@gmail.com.
👉 Spaces are limited so confirm your spot via Venmo by making a minimum suggested donation of $20 to @Len3689.
Lets Impact 100 seniors this holiday. Here’s how we’ll do it:
✨Ticket sales and matching donations: All proceeds from the evening will go to providing nutritious meals.
💌 Bag decorating station: At the event, help us decorate bags used to deliver the meals—they remind our seniors that they are seen and valued.
Your hosts
✨Intentional AAPI and Allies: We curate spaces for self-actualization, creative expression, cultural connection and life-affirming joy.
✨ Lenny, founder of Dumpling Dude NYC
✨ ShiShi, founder of Creative Sangha
Why This Matters:
In NYC, 1 in 4 Asian seniors faces food insecurity and isolation. Many live alone, far from loved ones or support.
Heart of Dinner provides care packages that include nutritious, culturally thoughtful food for 2–4 days and is delivered in hand-decorated bags with personalized notes. These meals remind our elders that they are seen, valued, and cared for.