Quantum Computing x AI

Hosted by Ilya Kulyatin & 4 others
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Join us for a special series of the Tokyo AI (TAI) as we demystify the quantum aspect of “Quantum x AI.” While these two cutting-edge fields are often mentioned together, their differences are less understood. On June 28th, at Google for Startups in Shibuya at 6pm, startups and researchers from the quantum space will showcase their products and research, demonstrating how the Tokyo AI community can thoughtfully engage with quantum technology.

Note that the session is in-person only, and has a certain academic hurdle to it. Your application can be rejected for 3 reasons: 1) we ran out of space (capacity is 70), 2) you don't seem to have the appropriate technical and academic background, or 3) you don't seem to be based in Japan.


18:00 Talk #0 - QAI Ventures: Supporting Quantum & AI startups from Lab to IPO (Marius Almstedt)

18:10 Talk #1 - Intersection of AI and Quantum Physics (Enrico Rinaldi)

18:35 Talk #2 - Quantum for AI and AI for Quantum (Rowen Wu)

19:00 Talk #3 - Introduction to qbraid, a one-stop platform for quantum computing hardware and software (Ricky Young)

19:25 Talk #4 - Realizing Practical Quantum Hardware: How AI Can Help (Russ Islam)

19:50 Talk #5 - AI for Quantum: From QEC to Algorithms (Ikko Hamamura)

20:10 - 20:50 Networking and Q&A


Enrico Rinaldi (profile)

Enrico is a computational physicist in the Applied Quantum Algorithms team at Quantinuum in Tokyo. He is also a Visiting Scientist at RIKEN and holds a Ph.D. in Theoretical Particle Physics from the University of Edinburgh. Enrico studied Lattice Gauge Theory using large-scale simulations on TOP500 supercomputers, from the study of dark matter to nuclear interactions and quantum gravity. In Quantinuum he works at the intersection of machine learning and quantum algorithms, to advance research in high energy physics, nuclear physics, quantum control, and error mitigation.

Rowen Wu (profile)

Rowen is a Staff Product Manager at Q-CTRL, a pioneer of the quantum infrastructure software field. At Q-CTRL, Rowen is building AI-driven error suppression technology to improve the stability and usefulness of quantum hardware. In the past, Rowen has worked on computer vision, AI, and IoT applications at Microsoft and graduated from the University of Southern California with a dual BS in Computer Science and Business.

Ricky Young (profile)

Ricky is the COO of qBraid, a quantum computing startup building a one-stop shop for quantum computing software and hardware. Before joining qBraid, Ricky contributed to the LIGO A+ upgrade project, developed machine learning models for splitting instrumentals at Audioshake AI, and worked as a software engineer for the travel division of LINE, Japan’s largest social media platform. Ricky grew up in Michigan and graduated from Stanford University with a BS in Engineering Physics with a focus on Quantum Science.

Russ Islam (profile)

Russ conducts theoretical research in condensed matter, quantum control, and reinforcement learning for quantum applications. He was an early employee or cofounder/CTO at three startups spanning robotics, computer vision, and IoT. Russ graduated from Stanford with a BS and MS in electrical engineering (optimization and control) and will start a PhD in physics at the University of Tokyo next year.

Ikko Hamamura (profile)

Ikko Hamamura is a quantum algorithm engineer at NVIDIA. He received his PhD in quantum information theory from Kyoto University in 2020. Then he joined IBM Quantum, IBM Research - Tokyo as a research scientist, where he was a code owner of Qiskit and developed primitives as interfaces for applications. He was promoted to a staff research scientist in 2022 and recently joined NVIDIA, where he’s among the contributors to CUDA-Q. His research interests include quantum computation (quantum applications to natural sciences and CAE, quantum algorithms, quantum error correction, quantum error mitigation, quantum information theory, and foundations of quantum theory.

Google Tokyo - Shibuya
Shibuya Stream, 3-chōme-21-3 Shibuya, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0002, Japan
Shibuya Stream Building - Level 5