Cover Image for I Build, Therefore I am. | Series 2, Episode 7: Modularity, Simply Put.
Cover Image for I Build, Therefore I am. | Series 2, Episode 7: Modularity, Simply Put.
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20 Went

I Build, Therefore I am. | Series 2, Episode 7: Modularity, Simply Put.

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Welcome to "I Build, Therefore I am," Series 2 - Modularity: Simply Put. Buckle up for a podcast journey where we unravel the mysteries of Web3 and bring you the tech talk, the business view and discuss the future of Web3. Join us as we deep dive into the latest breakthroughs and what more is to come!

In this episode, Milton Jonathan, Technical Coordination Lead at Cartesi, joins Joao, our Lead Developer Advocate, to discuss Cartesi’s integrations with Espresso and Avail. Milton will discuss how these integrations enhance Cartesi Rollups by enabling decentralized applications to process inputs through Espresso’s L2 infrastructure and Avail’s base-layer capabilities. You’ll learn how developers can build Cartesi Rollups dApps while using these technologies to create faster, scalable, and more flexible solutions for the Web3 ecosystem.

Curious about how Cartesi Rollups interact with cutting-edge protocols like Espresso and Avail to simplify dApp development? This episode is for you! Plus, discover how Cartesi continues to advance modularity in Web3.

Note: This episode marks the end of Series 2, with Series 3 kicking off in January and exciting discussions to look forward to!

About Cartesi:

Cartesi is a powerful modular blockchain protocol that supercharges the Web3 space. Cartesi equips developers with access to a full Linux environment through its native virtual machine and high-performance rollups designed to support next-generation dApps. Follow us on X or our other social channels to keep in the loop on news and developments.

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Hosted By
20 Went