Cover Image for [BLANK] Canvas with Gitcoin & Tally
Cover Image for [BLANK] Canvas with Gitcoin & Tally
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209 Went
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About Event

Grants programs are great for supercharging ecosystem growth and builder retention. But getting a program up and running can be overwhelming, like staring at a blank canvas.

What are the key steps you need to be aware of? How do you manage governance? And what does success look like?

Our EthCC event this year is all about filling in those blanks. Engage with leading experts and peers through breakout sessions, each focusing on key elements of the Grants Canvas, to equip yourself with the skills and insights necessary to drive meaningful impact through your grants program.


Learn to set clear goals, align your program’s mission, and create accountability mechanisms for impactful grants. Establish the foundations for success.


Discover best practices for designing effective grants programs with blockchain tech. Explore funding mechanisms and set strong eligibility criteria.


Master the execution of grants programs, from managing applications to disbursements. Balance passion and profit for sustainable growth.


Enhance impact measurement and reporting. Learn from real-world examples to refine and improve your grants program continuously.


12:45-1:15 → Registration

1:15-1:30 → Welcome and Logistics

1:30-2:10 → Kickoff Session: Grants & Governance Mid-Year Review

Featuring Meg Lister (Gitcoin) and Frisson (Tally), joined by Vishal Kapadia (Endaoment) and Stefan Magdalinski (Filecoin Foundation).

2:30-3:15 → Breakout Sessions: Round 1

Define: Grants Tooling for Onchain Governance with Coolhorsegirl (Tally).

Design: Impact-Led Program Development (Embedding Impact from the Ground Up) with Bruxa (Endaoment) and Azeem Khan (MorphL2).

Execute: Empathy Is All You Need: Implementing Grants Programs for Passion & Profit with Raphael Spannocchi (StableLab).

Learn: Real Insights into RetroPGF with Sejal Rekhan (Gitcoin), LauNaMu (Metrics Garden Labs), and Eugene Leventhal (Metagov).

3:15-3:30 → Program Break

3:30-4:15 → Breakout Sessions: Round 2

Define: Accountability Mechanisms in Grants Programs with Nick Naraghi and Spencer Graham (Hats Protocol).

Design: ​Designing The Right Eligibility Criteria with DisruptionJoe (Thrive Protocol) and June Manuel (Ethereum Support Program).

Execute: ​Grant Making for Good with Beth McCarthy (Funding the Commons) and James Kiernan (Octant).

Learn: ​Keys to Better Impact Reporting with Carl Cervone (Open Source Observer).

4:30-5:15 → Final Session: The Future of Onchain Funding Mechanisms

Featuring Kevin Owocki (Gitcoin), Cheeky Gorilla (Protocol Huild) & Eugene Leventhal (Metagov) and Coolhorsegirl (Tally).

5:15-6:00 → Closing remarks, merch and vibes.

Hotel nhow Brussels Bloom
Rue Royale 250, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgium
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Presented by
Hosting events that matter.
209 Went