GMove Cooper: Movement’s APAC Tour 2025 - 上海站 (Shanghai)
快来加入 Movement Labs 联合创始人 Cooper Scanlon 的亚太行!
从 2025 年 3 月 18 日至 4 月 17 日,我们将前往以下城市与大家见面:
台北 | 深圳 | 成都 | 上海 | 杭州 | 曼谷 | 胡志明市 | 河内 | 新加坡 | 首尔 | 东京
准备好点燃亚洲 Web3 的未来了吗?快来加入我们的 Telegram 群组,和我们一起讨论亚洲行、分享当地美食与文化,一起嗨皮感受热情!🚀 t.me/GmoveCoop
号召所有社区领袖、投资者、开发者和创作者——所有 builders、信仰者,那些视区块链不仅仅为技术,而是一场重塑世界的运动的人们。这不仅仅是一个活动,而是一道火花,一个全新的开始,由 Move 语言驱动,由不可阻挡的社区推动,旨在重新定义亚洲的无限可能!
🎟 参会者专属福利:
🎁 “APAC Move Pioneer” NFT 徽章(活动签到专享)
🎁 特别奖励及品牌周边
🎁 优先体验 Movement 上的开创性项目
成为变革的一部分,成为 The Movement 的一员。 🚀
Movement Labs
Movement Labs 正在开发 Movement Network,一个基于模块化 Move 的区块链生态系统。该公司正在为以太坊构建首个 Move 虚拟机(Move VM),并开发开源工具,以推动 Move 在各区块链上的应用普及。其平台使开发者能够轻松部署高性能的 Move VM Rollup,连接 Move 生态与 EVM 生态。
推特: EN|CN
Join The Movement APAC Tour with Cooper Scanlon, Co-Founder of Movement Labs!
From March 18 to April 17, 2025, we’re bringing a blockchain revolution to Asia with flagship events in:
Taipei | Shenzhen | Chengdu | Shanghai | Hangzhou | Bangkok | Ho Chi Minh City | Hanoi | Singapore | Seoul | Tokyo
Are you ready to ignite the future of Web3 in Asia? Join our Telegram group to chat about the tour, share local food & culture, or just vibe together! 🚀 t.me/GmoveCoop
Calling all community leaders, investors, developers, and creators—the builders, the believers, the ones who see blockchain as more than technology but as a movement to reshape the world. This isn’t just another event. It’s a spark. A new beginning, powered by the Move programming language, driven by unstoppable communities, and set to redefine what’s possible in Asia.
🎟 Exclusive perks for attendees:
🎁 "APAC Move Pioneer" NFT badges (event check-in exclusive)
🎁 Special rewards & branded merchandise
🎁 Early access to pioneering Movement projects
Be part of the revolution. Be part of The Movement. 🚀
The Host
Movement Labs
Movement Labs develops the Movement Network, an ecosystem of Modular Move-Based Blockchains. The company is creating the first Move Virtual Machine for Ethereum, along with open-source tools to promote Move adoption across blockchains. Their platform enables developers to launch high-performance Move VM rollups easily, bridging Move and EVM ecosystems.