Casual meetups for those in healthcare/health tech to hang out and get to know one another! HTN is a global community of 5,500+ healthcare professionals connecting to learn, network, build and grow.
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They will show up on the schedule once approved
Bonne Fire ATL: January Healthtech Happy Hour
The Rooftop at Clermont
Louisville Meetup with Health Tech Nerds
By Health Tech Nerds & Andrew Steen
Bar Nada Nada
Tampa Meetup with Health Tech Nerds
By Health Tech Nerds & Joey Kennedy
Chicago Meetup with Health Tech Nerds
By Health Tech Nerds & Bryan Scott
Time Out Market Chicago
San Jose Meetup with Health Tech Nerds
By Health Tech Nerds & Jenny Jiang
Charlotte Meetup with Health Tech Nerds
By Health Tech Nerds & Claire Dundon
Suffolk Punch Brewing South End
Nashville Health Tech Meetup
By Health Tech Nerds & Sarah Ruth Hendrix
Diskin Cider
Nashville Health Tech Meetup
By Health Tech Nerds, Mollie Fleury & Sarah Ruth Hendrix