Cover Image for Overcoming Procrastination on the Road to Publication

Overcoming Procrastination on the Road to Publication

Hosted by Foster
Past Event
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When Cyd Notter was writing a nutrition column for the local newspaper and working in ministry at her local church, she wasn’t planning to write a book. But an encounter with God in 2013 led to a five-year journey of distilling the principles of plant-based nutrition and Biblical Scripture to create a faith-based book that communicates the importance of healthy eating and bodily stewardship.

But why five years? Like many aspiring authors, Cyd struggled with completing the manuscript. It wasn’t until the final six months that things really picked up in an unexpected way.  

Cyd is a graduate of the Center for Nutrition Studies, a certified instructor for several dietary courses (including Dr. McDougall’s Starch Solution), a past newspaper columnist, and a Book Excellence Award Winner for The “Plan A” Diet.


Cyd and Sam will do a deep dive into:

  • The unusual inspiration for Cyd’s book: How Cyd went from having no book writing experience to a full manuscript?

  • Learning how to be a published author: What people and resources helped Cyd navigate the complex road to publication? What advice would she give other aspiring authors with no publishing experience?

  • How she overcame roadblocks and procrastination: What methods or advice helped Cyd go from spending 4 ½ years on the first half of her book to finishing the second half in less than 6 months? 

  • Securing a publisher for a niche subject: How did Cyd finally land on the right audience for her unique approach to diet and health? 

  • Promoting the book: What promotion methods worked best for Cyd? How would she recommend that newsletter writers, bloggers, and aspiring authors leverage similar methods to get the word out?

Afterward, we’ll do a Q&A with the group where Cyd can answer any questions that come up.

As always, bring some coffee and a notebook ;)