Cover Image for Honey! I'm Homeschooling The Kids With Robyn Robertson

Honey! I'm Homeschooling The Kids With Robyn Robertson

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If you’re thinking of living the nomadic, unschooling, traveling life, you might be wondering how on earth you can make it all work? How do you ensure that your kids learn while you’re on the road? How do you provide them with a sense of stability and security when their home changes on a regular basis? 

What is the best way to approach their education?

Robyn Robertson has been living this life with her family for years. After traveling to 7 different countries by the time she was 6, she grew up and settled into ‘rat race life’ with her husband and children, and became a private school educator. But the urge to travel never left her, and they decided to head off to Jamaica for 6 months as an experiment. Years later, they are still traveling and have fully embraced unschooling as a way of life and learning for their children.

Robyn started the Honey I Unschooled the Kids! podcast to create community, share her experiences and learn from others. She has interviewed some of the leading names in the alternative education world, and has learned a huge amount about the journey of free living and learning along the way.

She is joining Daniel, another worldschooling parent, to talk about the realities of unschooling life, including the value of learning through real world experiences, and the challenges of deschooling and letting go of the school mentality. 

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