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Find Your Inner Facilitator

Hosted by Jason Shen & Miroo Kim
Past Event
Suggested Price
Minimum $25.00
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About Event

A Hands-On Training on Facilitation

What makes the great product and engineering meetings? What enables product, engineering, and program managers to get world class performance from their teams & the people they support?

Not their technical skills. Not their work ethic. Not even their organization skills.

But their ability to facilitate (crucial) conversations

To enable teams to brainstorm ideas, disclose issues, problem solve, and make decisions. These are high leverage moments that can create massive upside when done well, or spiral into major downsides when done poorly. 

We will demystify the art of facilitation into a learnable framework:

  1. Planning: Design agendas and processes for high-energy, insightful sessions

  2. Listening: Create an open, non-judgmental space that invites authentic sharing

  3. Inviting: Draw out diverse voices and spur creative thinking with powerful questions

  4. Redirecting: Tactfully steer wayward discussions back on track and manage different views

  5. Synthesizing: Identify key insights and commitments for real change

Led by veteran facilitators and tech leaders Jason Shen and Miroo Kim, this workshop provides a rare chance to learn directly from experienced practioniers. Through simulations, you'll get hands-on practice applying facilitation techniques to common scenarios tech managers face: retrospectives, roadmap planning, post-incident reviews, and more.

Whether you're an experienced facilitator looking to level up or a new manager leading your first session, this workshop will equip you with a versatile skillset to align teams, accelerate learning, and build better products. Unlock your inner facilitator and lead transformative conversations that get results.

About Us

About Jason: Executive Coach at Refactor Labs. Ex PM at Meta, Etsy and 3x startup founder. LinkedIn

About Miroo: Builder & Coach for Wellbeing of Tech Companies. Founder of People+Culture. Ex BD at Meta, Operation & Marketing at Apple, Product Marketing at Microsoft. LinkedIn


Do I have to be a people manager to take this course? - No. Anyone who work in teams and have meetings as a part of their daily life can take this course. If you are not satisfied how meetings are facilitated in your organization, this is a great opportunity!

Will it be recorded? - Yes but the significant part of the training is experiential through practicing together. Therefore, we highly recommend you to join live.